Chapter 110

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"Love you need to get out of bed already" I heard Draco whisper

I opened my eyes to see Draco hovering over me with a gentle smile as he put a strand of my hair behind my ear. I smiled, he then dove down and started to kiss me rapidly on my cheeks as u laughed.

"Draco! That-tickles!" I said as I laughed

"Come on up you go, you've slept sense yesterday" Draco said as he picked me up

"No I didn't-" I turned and saw it was New Year's Eve

"Oh my I did, why didn't you wake me?" I asked as he held my hands

"You looked peaceful sleeping, Happy New Years Eve darling" Draco gave me a warm kiss

"Happy New Year's Eve love" I said as I kissed him

"I'll what for you down stairs while you get ready" Draco said as he kissed the top of my hand

I nodded as he walked away and closed the door on his way out, I got in the shower quickly and let the warm water hit my body. I got out and stared at myself in the mirror. My body looked different, my breast where growing a bit and where sore, my stomach began to have a curve like a bump. I looked horrible, my insecureness was coming back to me. I walked away before I could judge my body any further. I got to put my bra on and nothing, it wouldn't budge.

"Fuck" I said underneath my breath

I put on a sports bra instead, I tried to put on a pair of jeans but they wouldn't zip up. I didn't take them off just moved on to my shirt. I put on a long sleeve lose shirt that fit just fine sense it was two sizes bigger than what it original should be for me. I went back to my pants, I was struggling and soon I found myself crying as I tried to zip up my pants.

"Come on" I said as I cried

"Baby?" I turned around to see Draco standing by the door

I put the shirt above the pants  as he walked towards me seeing I was crying. I wiped my tears and he grabbed my hand gently. He walked me over to the bed and sat me down as he went down on one knee facing me.

"What's wrong?" He looked deep into my eyes


"Hope tell me what's wrong, remember where in this together" Draco stared at me

" clothes doesn't want to fit me body is...horrid" I said as I began to cry looking down

"That's why your crying?" Draco asked almost like he mocked me

"Are you freaking serious!?" I asked as I jumped up almost startling Draco

"You upset because your belly is getting bigger, your upset because your body is changing..may I remind you that you are holding twins in your body. Your holding my children..our children, your body is a temple love and in it holds the most precious wizards in this entire earth. Our children, Hope your pregnant for Salazar sakes of course your body is going to change...I personally this you look as hot as the day I met you if not hotter" Draco said as he began to kiss my neck

Hearing Draco's point of view made me realize how delusional I was being. He began to suck on my neck as I tilted my head allowing him to more space, he began to place his hands on my rare end and grabbed it tight as I moaned.

"Missed hearing that" he whispered as I smirked

"I love you so much Draco...and I'm ready..I'm ready for us and this because I love you. I guess a part of me always knew you where going to be my last love and the love I will always love" I said as I placed my hands on his cheeks

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