Chapter 93

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We all say done looking at Hermione impressed with her plan, Hermione smiles proudly at her plan.

"Hermione your bloody brilliant!" Ron said as Hermione began to blush like crazy

"How will we find the girl then?" Harry asked

"Leave that up to us girls, I'll apperate us to Fred and George's work shop and there will get a girl" Hermione said smiling

"God Hermione what would we do without you, but if where going to basically kidnap this girl we need to easer her memory and then keep her hidden away" I said looking at everyone

"We can send her with Charlie, our brother in Romania that way no one could ever find her" Bill said

"Another Weasley how many sibling you got Ron" I said chucking

"Haha, very funny..I've got, well first comes Bill, then Charlie, Fred and George, then comes me and Last is Ginny" Ron said scratching his head

We all chuckle and laughed

"Bloody hell I do got lost of siblings" Ron said as his eyes widen

We all broke into laughter and sat down together, I didn't realize it but I was snuggled up against Harry as he held me in his arms. We all ate and it was night , Fleur then apperate in with Fred and George along with a girl that fit my description. I jumped up to see Fred and George and ran to them hugging them both as they caught me in the air and carried me. Both of them with there arms wrapped around my small waist as my legs wrapped around both of them carrying me.

"I missed my WEASLEY TWINS!" I yelled squealing in happiness

"Wanna show me how much you've missed me" Fred said I slapped his arm letting them go

"Ugh your impossible Weasley" I said slapping his arm as He and George laughed

"Sorry dear but I need your form, and don't worry you'll be just fine and treated like a absolutely queen" I said smiling at the girl who was in fear

I took my wand out and faced it towards her, she begins to shake her head. I rolled my eyes

"Obliviate" I twist my wand and she her memory's going away as her body became soft

She then falls down to the floor, I turn to Fred who had a kinky face and was hitting his lower lip. My eyes widen and I hit his arm making him snap out of it, he winks at me.

"Come here" he said as he grabbed me and pulled me in from my waist twirling me around in the air

I laughed as I also felt him ticking me, everyone began to laugh as they saw me trying to take on Fred. I then pinched his hand making him release me, I land on my feet and turn around jumping on his back and squeezing him tightly like a snake that way he would fall to his knees.

"Give up Weasley!" I yelled out as I felt his night getting lower

Before I knew it George got in it and pulled me of holding me in the air with my hands behind my back. Fred got up with a cocky smile.

"Hey! No fair! RON! THERE GONNA HURT YOUR BEST FRIEND!" I yelled out then heard rapid foot steps and Ron through himself and Fred tackling him to the floor

I broke into laughter as Fred and Ron went at it, George released me and tried to get Ron but I jumped on him like I did with Fred. He then spin around trying to take me off but nothing worked.

"YOUR GONNA GET IT NOW KNOTT!" George yelled out as he tried to take me off

"LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY WEASLEY!" I yelled out as Ron and Fred went back and forth on the floor

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