Chapter 23

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"Oh sorry I just wanted to make sure you were okay" Cedric smiled

"I'm fine thank you. Besides I think I had too great nurses" I said giggling

Draco and Harry both turn back at give me a look annoyed. It made me laugh even more, I look at Cedric and I could see him laughing under his breath.

"No yeah I could see that, Hope can I ask you something?" Cedric asked

"Yeah of course" I said as I barely stopped laughing

"Who's umm Aiden" Cedric asked

My smile automatically turned into a frown. Tears beat an filling my eyes. I could feel a strong pain in my throat and on my chest. Harry and Draco both turned to me, Harry looked back at Cedric and at me. I felt my face turn pale as tears came running down my face rapidly, one after another and yet I didn't speak a word. I felt frozen in pain, my heart ached. Harry then put two and two together, he realized that Aiden was my brothers name.

"Sorry I didn't mean to- it's just that you called Aiden when I stayed with you as you fell asleep" Cedric said

"Yeah umm.. hey can you tell the nurse that I felt better and went up to my room" I said getting up of the bed 

"What do you mea-" Harry said before I cut him off

"Bye" I said walking away

As I was going up to my up to room all I wanted to do was grab the box of special things I had. Aiden have it to me on our 15th birthday, it was small but could hold many things much like a beaded bag. The day Aiden died I put his favorite sweater inside and never took it out, I would only ever take it out to smell it and cry on it. When Aiden died I didn't just lose my brother, I lost my Twin Brother. I list my better half, it was like losing one of my lungs. I couldn't even think about him without crying. I had nightmares for 3 moths straight, I would even have to wake up scream sometimes. Aiden was so pure, there was no one in the world that was better than him. He was to pure for our world. As I arrive to my room I see that no ones inside, I ended up having my own room because Dumbledore said I wasn't apart of Gryffindor. As I opened my door, I went to my drawer and opened it. I moved all of my clothes out of the way and pulled out the box. I sit on the floor leaning on my bed, I then take out Aiden's sweater and smell it. I began to cry with tears falling down my face, it still smelled like him. I could smell rain, sting cologne and mint, I missed him so much. All I wanted was to hug him, for him to lit up my face like no one else.

"Ugh why did you leave Aiden, you promised.. y-you said it was gonna be us forever th- that you were gonna protect m-me" I said crying and trying to catch my breath

As I'm crying into his sweater I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn and see too guys standing above me. They were twins, they had red hair just like Ron. I whip my tears from my face but I can still feel my eyes really puffy.

" George and Fred Weasley pleasure to meet you" they both say and sit down at the same time

"Why are you in here?" I asked

"Well we heard a girl crying" said Fred

"And no lady should cry alone" said George

"Oh well I could see your identical" I said

"Not really I'm better looking" said Fred

I laughed as my eyes were still puffy from all the crying

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