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Hello my lovelies OK so this is where my story starts getting rated R somewhere so if you were discretion is advised I think you are reading up and I know you've been very patient with me but these scenes are now starting to get very intimate and very mature!!! Words such as Vagina, Dick, and many other words so if your uncomfortable with these words please skip this next chapter!!!! I repeat VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED‼️

Before we continue I just wanted to make some changes and say that Hope Has Blue Light Bright ocean eyes, I understand crucio is a curse spell we're it can't be seen but hear the curse will also be able to be thrown at other like a spell, the color of the spell will be bright red

One more note all of the parents of anyone will look exactly like there character for example Lucius Malfoy will look like the character that was played Jason Isaac and any other one. My story is gonna a mixture of all the Harry Potter movies together so they'll kinda be all over the place but you'll still understand it.

Later in the story you will understand why Hope is casting such big spells and why she's so special.

now that we got that out the way let's continue on

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