Chapter 73

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"It's peaceful here mum" I leaned back

"Yes dear it is, this is peace. Just that your not ready" she put my hair behind my ear

"What do you mean?" I laughed

"Aiden, dear you've joined me" I turn as my mother spoke

"Aiden?" I jumped into his arms

"I'm sorry but it's not your time" Aiden said smiling

"What do you mean..I died" I smiled

"No hope, your in a coma and it's time you wake sister" he cups my cheek

"We will be a family again Hope just not now" my mom smiled stroking my arm

"What!? No I'm ready!" I said smiling not wanting to leave

"Sorry sister but I'm not, don't worry we'll watch you and take care of you but for now you live" he places his hand on mine

My eyes opened slowly, I felt weak and somewhat like I had been sleeping for hours. It felt comfortable, I opened my eyes to see Cedric sleeping on the couch. Where am I, this isn't Madam Pomfrey's nursing room. I then started moving myself as o groaned feeling sore and pain in my stomach. I tried to move my hands but I looked down and saw them tied up, they had brown thick leather cuffs around my wrist. I tried pulling my hands and then I winced.

"Hope?! Your awake, it's all right don't worry your stomach St Mungo's don't worry" Tonks comes next to me and stroked my head

"W-Why am I tied up?" I said weakly

"Hope, umm, in order for Harry not to be expelled or suspended we had to, uh, say that you hurt yourself" tonks gives me a faint smile

"But Harry was the one tha-"

"I know Hope but if the Ministry found that out they would punish Harry very badly" Tonks pulled a chair next my bed and sat down

In the moment I turn to see Cedric waking up. He opens his eyes and walks over to me

"Cedric?" I say weakly

"I'm here, don't worry your fine" he said smiling and kissing my forehead

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked turning to tonks

"Two days, when you got here they did surgery and then you where in a coma. They couldn't figure out why you weren't waking all they knew is that you where calm and some what sleeping" tonks says pressing her lips together

"I wouldn't wake because I was going to die" I said looking at my legs

Tonks and Cedric looked at me confused

"I was already in a coma when they had done surgery, I almost died didn't I then they did an emergency procedure to bring me back. I remember my mom telling me I was in one, I was on a beach with her and Aiden." I said looking at tonks

Tonks puts her hand on her mouth gently trembling, I felt myself almost die. How is that even possible, did I really see my mom and Aiden or was it just a dream.

"Hello, I'm your nurse for today. Now Hope you have been healing very quickly and everything looks fine. I am going to takes these cuffs of only if you promise not to do nothing to yourself" she said raising her brows

"Listen I don't know what they said but I didn't try to hurt myself, I was practicing spells and one of the spells rebounded from my wand to my stomach. And please take the cuffs off I don't like the feeling of not being able to hug my brother" I said looking at her then at Cedric

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