Chapter 2 | Interesting People

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(TW: Some intrusive thoughts? Just in case, it's mild :])

In panic, I open my phone to see that it's been half an hour since I've departed with Julia. It was already dark as fuck, with stars flaring in the night sky and the moon looming over the park giving it as much light it can provide. I cursed myself and looked into the dark vast forest that seemed not so alluring. The darkness scared me slightly, with little to no light being provided and oil lamps scattered around the area.

It seemed that of a horror movie. I shivered at the thought of a possible serial killer being around or some kind of creature possible to be lurking around the forest.

I come to hear distant cars in the air, and whip around to see bright lights on the sidewalks. At least I didn't wander too far into the park. Or at least I suppose it's a park? I sighed in annoyance. My hands found my way to my temples and gently massaged them to calm myself.

It's gonna be fine (Y/N), just open your phone and open google maps or some shit and make it back home.... if I have reception

At the thought of having no internet, my eyes widen. I'm not far into the outskirts of town, it shouldn't be hard, right? I groan, and slam my fist down onto the railing of the bridge. I look down into the rushing water that seemed to slightly calm down as I stood here. It was rather calming and soothed down my panic and frustration that had washed up on me.

I doubt that I had any reception in this area, and it wouldn't be good to wander around any later. My mom would get mad and to boot, Julia would maybe get mad at me for not logging onto the SMP.

In hopes that had any wifi around here, I open my phone to see that I had two bars at best. My face lit up as I opened up my phone. One would guess that I would, without any hesitation, open up google maps to see how far I had wandered from my house but I didn't. My finger hovered still over the app on my phone. It looked tempting yet not so welcome at the same time.

I stared at my screen lightly illuminating my face, and looked up to scan the rather serene park. It was quiet with only the calm river running below the bridge and the slight rustle of trees in the wind. I had to admit, it wasn't as scary if you tried to ignore the possibilities.

I looked back down at my phone, and instead of pressing on google maps, I had clicked on Spotify and silenced my phone. I played the playlist that my old friend had made for me in which was called 'GLHF' I smiled at the name.

Good luck, have fun

I sighed sadly, and played it, the first song being Sanctuary by Joji. I hastily plugged in my headset and put them in my ears, the song flooding in. Closing my eyes in content, I leaned on the railing of the bridge and let the sound of music consume me.

For however long I took to listen to music, I finally opened my eyes to see that the scenery in front of me seemed to be still. It looked so unbothered and surreal. Maybe if it looked like Olympus I would find content in laying down on the boards of the bridge. If the boards were fluffy white clouds that is.

I scoff at my uncanny obsession with greek history and shook my head with a small smile on my face. My smile faltered as I looked back up to see a dark silhouette standing near the bank of the river. My heart raced in an instant as I watch the person just sit down, and I could only realize that they weren't as far nor close to me.

A serial killer? A gruesome creature? I shook my head. A creature? Seriously (Y/N) that thing has a posture compared to a hunchback person. Not be rude to anyone...

I snap out of my thoughts remembering that there was now someone accompanying me within the park. It didn't seem too serene anymore knowing well that there was some stranger out here with me. Should I leave? Should I stay, approach them possibly? I shook my head. The thought of approaching them seemed dumb, and for all I could know, they could be some creepy old man. I continue to contemplate on what to do about the situation and by far, leaving was the best option. The town wasn't huge or anything, so finding my house wasn't really out of the question. I may even know this town by the back of my hand.

In The Pale Moonlight | Tommyinnit x Reader Where stories live. Discover now