A/N: Breaking Point

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welcome. uh. this is nothing but a explanation to what's going to happen for the next part. it's basically a description of the second part within the story.

so it has now been about 7 months i've been working on this. some stress put on me since now this story has about 57k reads and 2k votes. and i can't help but be thankful. there are many usernames i always come across every time i post a chapter and it's great seeing that they are willing to read every chapter as it goes on. people say my writings great but i have things to improve on as i see it messy or just straightforward sometimes. there are so many words to describe one scene and yet i forget them.

but enough about that. this is the breaking point for in the pale moonlight. so let me explain what's going to happen

breaking point

regards of the stories title
the story name will not change by any means. let's just say it's the breaking point. the description will be the same, it'll look like as if nothing changed

chapters are going to start from the bottom. it won't continue as chapter 45, it'll start at 1. once i am done with this part of the story, it will be completed and i'll ask you guys which book i should write next or what i should continue.

people guess it and it was quite obvious, but ranboo will be included. we all know his fake name he was given, (or not) which was Mark. It sounds weird but for stories sake we'll call him that and use Ranboo as well. Even if this is a Tommyinnit x Reader, you guys should know i like people interfering. so tommy will not be included for the early chapters.

This is the description for the next parts to come:

Y/n travels back to the U.S in hopes of leaving her problems and fixing them with Camila, or Drista. Keeping her word, she ignored Tommy and Tubbo, or even anyone linked to them. But going to this family friend of theirs, she finds comfort in them. She only finds out soon enough that it was a bad idea to talk to them

and that's it. easy to guess. after this i'm not posting anymore until i'm ready to continue. if you wanna check on ongoing stories go on my page ig. they're not even near 10 chapters but idk.

that's all since i don't have anything else to say. i'll see you guys in a week or so. bye bye, have a great day/night <3

In The Pale Moonlight | Tommyinnit x Reader Where stories live. Discover now