Chapter 22 | Why In The Morning

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(no proof read again. i will also address the reads at the end cuz upload schedule do be ass and i get more reads as i work on chapters-)

The sound of rushing water woke me up, birds blatantly heard chirping outside and the sun beaming through the curtains. It made me hiss quietly in protest. I grumbled and turned around, snuggling the covers closer to me.

As I tried to fall back asleep it seemed to get harder to shut my eyes again. I groaned, realizing that I was now full awake. Laying on my back, I stared at the ceiling. Where was I again?

I  confusion, I relapse last night. Me and Julia had conversed about what I was going to do with my feelings in which I was going to confess sometime soon. Then I went back to Tommy's room and we talked a bit. After that we watched the Mandalorian...

Oh. Right. I fell asleep in Tommy's room. Wait. Wasn't there just one bed? My eyes widen slowly in realization and I sit up immediately, my body still tired. As I scanned the room, I found that Tommy was no where to be found and that I was alone on the bed.

Holy shit. We basically just slept in the same bed. I thought in my head,  a blush spreading on my face. I grumbled and recoiled my knees to my chest.

Before I could start sulking and comprehending life, a door was heard opening and there came out the recognizable blonde with a towel around his neck, his hair damp and wet, wearing a white shirt and jeans.

Tommy groaned, scratching his head and looked over to me, his bright blue eyes shining in the sun. He smiled, walking over and sitting down at the foot of the bed.

"Finally awake, huh? Thought you weren't tired" he mocked with a laugh. I didn't know what to say. Was this a dream? No way I was able to wake up to this. My eyes were slightly widened, my thoughts all over the place. I was so confused yet so flustered. He looked so pretty in the morning, even yet, he just got out of the shower, his fluffy hair slightly matted down.

The blonde cocked an eyebrow and leaned in a bit, scanning me. "Are you alright Y/n? Kinda lost there" he chuckled, flicking my forehead. I whined and rubbed my forehead, shooting him a quick glare.

"I'm alright, just confused and really out of it right now..." I explain looking out the window, the sun glinting through. The blonde hummed.

"Why is that?" he asks with a little snicker.

I chuckle. "It's nothing important. Are we going out later?" I ask him whilst stretching my arms. He nods in confirmation and takes the towel around his neck off.

"It's 8 right now and we're meeting up with Will at 10. You should get up and shower, we're heading down as soon as Julia finally gets ready" he explains with a roll of his eyes. I cock an eyebrow.

"Is Julia not awake yet?" I ask as I swing my legs over the bed and placing them on the carpet. Tommy scoffs and shakes his head.

"After you're done with your girl shit go wake her up. I don't want to be yelled at" he ordered, getting up and grabbing his phone. I shoot him a glare in which he chuckles at.

I ignore him with a roll of my eyes and get up, grabbing my backpack. Since we were meeting up with Wilbur I had to be quick since Tommy decided to wake me up and be like, "Yup, you have 2 hours, go rush around the room like a dumb ass" I grumbled as I pulled out my clothes and headed straight for the bathroom.

I ran the water for a quick moment, waiting for it to warm up whilst I checked if I got everything I needed. Gladly I did and I stripped, heading into the shower. The warm water washed over me and I felt a sudden content.

In The Pale Moonlight | Tommyinnit x Reader Where stories live. Discover now