Chapter 31 | Cause I Got a Feeling

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(no proof read, sorry in advance if this was published late. also somethings won't be as realistic like palm trees and shit- but story plot lol)

[ Y/n's PoV ]

The thing that I least expected to do while we were here was to do a fucking tango with Tubbo. I was quite tired due to all the movement, but luckily it was a bit more on the cold side today.

I sighed, wiping droplets of sweat on my forehead. The loud music was still playing from the speaker that I spotted near Julia. The ravenette was talking to the smaller on next to her, Sophie.

I chuckle and shake my head. Love is such a delicate thing. Maybe I'll have it some time soon. Shaking my head, I plop down next to Julia on the blanket. The ravenettes head whipped over to me and she sighed in relief.

"Jesus, I thought you were Tommy for a second. I swear to god, he's been talking about drugs for too long" she sighed with a laugh. I chuckle.

"Well I'm not tall, lanky, and blonde. I don't talk about drugs either" I say. "However I can do a fucking tango bitch" I joke, laughing. Julia and Sophie laugh.

"Are you kidding or what? I'd like to see that, you know" Julia muses as she chuckles. I nod.

"I can tango, just ask Tommy and Tubbo" I say. "Well Tubbo knows more than me but other than that I would consider I do know how to" I add. The ravenette snickers.

"Will do ask them. I actually got an email from the school though. You'll like this news" Julia says with a bright smile. I cock and eyebrow, a creeping smile on my face.

"Spill the news. If it's something that I'll like then it must be good" I chuckle. The ravenette rolls her eyes and pulls out her phone, pulling up the email. "It says that there's no school tomorrow due to some of the gas pipes and water pipers being destroyed from some drunk kids. Damn" Julia explained, showing me the full email.

I scanned it, my eyes widening. "Hold on, does this mean we can stay longer. Because that'd be hella great if we were able to spend more time with Tubbo" I say enthusiastically.

Julia laughs and nods, "Yeah that does. Only if your mum lets you that is" she snickers. "I know my mum doesn't really mind. She's been wanting me to get out the house" the ravenette shrugs.

I laugh, "Well I can definitely ask my mum. She's been having some problems with work and she's anxious with me staying home alone" I sigh. "Most likely she'll say yes though"

Julia nods. "Then we'll just have to see if Tommy can stay. If he can't we all have to go" she sighs. I shrug.

"Doesn't really matter to me. He can go if he wants" I laugh. "I don't think you would mind either after what happened. You seemed rather cross" I recall. Julia chuckled sheepishly.

"True though, I don't mind if he even died in a ditch. I still don't fully forgive him" She shrugs. I sigh.

"You can't really do anything about it though. It is what it is, maybe I'll just fall in love with a girl" I joke. Julia laughs.

"Do it man, it's better than dick" she laughed. "Like look where I am, I have Sophie" the ravenette smiled sweetly, looking over to her. I jokingly gag and look away.

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