Chapter 14 | Adapt

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(no proof read- sorry for mistakes. ALSO THANKS FOR 860 READS)

I furrow my eyebrows, looking down at Tommy's hand that awaited to shake mine. It was rather weird, and formal even if the way he said it wasn't as formal. I sigh, shaking my head and looking up at Tommy, our eyes connecting. I stare into his bright blue eyes, cold as like ice but warm like the tropical ocean.

I gulped, my heart stinging. This was all too overwhelming for me. Why had he done that? Why had he told me to watch stream regardless of knowing my anxiety towards Drista?

I push his hand away gently, shaking my head. His face drops slightly and shoves his hand in his pocket, breaking eye contact with me. I frowned.

"Why..?" I spoke softly, making Tommy whip his head up to lock eyes with mine again. His adam apple bobs, and I wait for a response.

"Why what..?" he says, slowly blinking and maintaining eye contact. I scoff.

"Why did you think it was a good idea to play with me like this? To even bring Drista into your stream thinking I would be ecstatic?" I explain to him, a slight anger starting to bubble up.

The blonde's eyebrows knit together due to my bitter tone, and he breaks eye contact once again, biting his bottom lip. "Tommy, I talked to you about how I feel guilty, that I regret ever leaving and not even acknowledging her after I left. Hell, she might as well be mad at me, but I wouldn't know" I bantered on, my voice getting slightly louder as I progress.

I sigh, and pinch the bridge of my nose. Without knowing I start to pace slowly, my hand over my mouth and my other hand in my pocket. I take my hand off my mouth after I felt Tommy's gaze follow me. It was starting to get annoying.

"Remembering her or even mentioning her makes my heart drop" I say abruptly, no context. "It hurts, ok? I didn't need to see her talk to you while I watch from behind the screen, wishing I could talk to her the same" I say in a small voice, the anger still apparent. I breathe out shakily, and look at Tommy, who was stiff and rigid where he stood.

"Did you think before you did this?" I ask staring at him. I take a step towards him, making him flinch slightly. "Tommy look at me" I order sternly.

The blonde hesitantly makes eye contact with me, my eyes boring into him. He shook his head. "If your not going to speak, that's fine" I huff. "Just know Tommy, that what you did was fucking stupid" I spat bitterly.

Tommy chuckles lowly, a disdainful look on his face. I stare at him, cocking an eyebrow in confusion. Right now wasn't a laughing matter. He tilted his head slightly, staring at me through squinted half-lidded eyes and a sad smile on his face.

"I really screwed up, huh?" Tommy states looking down at me. He chuckles again and shakes his head. "It's fine if you don't want to talk to me anymore, I know what I did was really fucked up" he said softly, abnormal to his original nature.

I widen my eyes in surprise and shake my head aggressively. Did he really think that would happen just because of this?

"Tommy, no. I still want to talk to you, what you did just... it wasn't thought out and smart to do, alright?" I sigh. "This doesn't mean I fully forgive you though" I state.

He nods, a slight smile on his face. "I understand" I give him a small smile, the tension deteriorating only a bit.

Tommy's smile falters a bit, making me cock an eyebrow. He seemed hesitant to speak, but he managed to get something out.

"I-Is this friendship... gonna change? L-Like will we still be normal even if you now know I'm Tommyinnit" The blonde asks meekly. I stifle a snicker, making him give me an incredulous look. "What are you laughing about you prick?!" He exclaims, loud and enthusiastic. That was the Tommy I knew.

In The Pale Moonlight | Tommyinnit x Reader Where stories live. Discover now