Chapter 32 | Not Throwin Away My Shot

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(no proof read, also sorry for posting later than i used to like 2 weeks ago- i guess i'm back to my old schedule lol. also why is tubbos and tommy's pov more interesting than y/n's. it's only ever thinking and admiring tubbo or tommy :' ) )

[ Tubbo's PoV ]

It was well over an hour now that me and Y/n had been sitting on the couch, just laughing at multiple videos. There wasn't much to it really, just us sitting down and shit. No one even decided to bother us even though I saw them multiple times.

But I wouldn't be surprised if Tommy didn't come around and talk to both of us... I was still sort of mad about him not accepting the fact that I liked Y/n.

To the point we had to argue was ridiculous, we were fighting about a girl for christ's sake!

I sigh, my dad walking across the living room. I cock an eyebrow. "What're you doing?" I ask him as I pause the video. He hummed and looked over to me.

"Oh, I was going out to start the bonfire, it's actually best if you kids get ready. Especially if you're streaming" dad explains simply. Oh shit, I didn't know we were going this soon.

"Oh, uh, I'll tell Julia and Tommy then" I say hastily, standing up and snaking my arm away from Y/n. She gets up herself and hums, "You should tell Lani if she wants to come too" she suggests. I nod and walk down the hallway.

Quickly, me and Y/n peek our heads in their rooms to tell them and soon enough everyone was ready. I was quickly getting the camera ready and the stream up on my laptop that Tommy would carry towards the beach.

"Do we have everything?" Lani asks looking through her own backpack. Y/n hums as she checks her own bag, Julia as well. The ravenette shakes her head, pointing to Sophie who had stayed longer.

"She forgot something, hold on" Julia chuckles as both of them run back to the room. Y/n rolls her eyes with a chuckle and walks over to me.

"Ay, can we burn shit?" Y/n asks nonchalantly. I stare at her incredulously for a bit and tilt my head in slight confusion.

"Like actual shit? What do you want to burn?" I joke, making her laugh. She shakes her head, humming.

"I was thinking about throwing in big things. Well, that depends on how big the bonfire will be" She chuckles sheepishly. I laugh softly.

"We can burn Lani and I's homework? There's a lot so it'll be a huge fire" I exclaim brightly. Y/n's eyes brightened and she nodded aggressively.

"If we throw it all in once maybe it'll be big enough to scar us" she jokes as she imitates fire blazing around her. I laugh and shake my head. "Ay, at least we'll look cool" Y/n shrugs.

I nod in agreement. "Ok! We can go now!" I hear Julia yell as she sprints into the living room. Y/n laughs and nod, Lani taking the lead as dad had already left.

We were all in our little groups, Lani, Julia, and Sophie. Me and Y/n... and usually Tommy would be there but he was walking a little behind us. It was odd now that me and Y/n had a slight problem with him, but it'd only be reasonable.

He was mad at me for liking her, what's the problem with liking Y/n? Yeah it was messed up, but let me feel love dude. As much as it sounds cringey.

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