Chapter 1 | Not your cup of tea

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(A/N: I'm doing this in a first person pov- Second person pov is a bitch)

It's great to experience the first day of school, right? Meet your class and teacher, finally get out and interact with people after the long summer. Perhaps even meet a long time friend that you missed dearly. But, sadly, most people don't always have a good time on the first day back at school. Just like me.

It's not everyday you're late on the first day of school, having missed the bus, running through the rain, and crashing the class. And what an impression I had on the class.

I get one day a week to go to my college and that's how I first introduce myself as. The loser who plays Minecraft and FPS games that can't even get to the first day of school early.

I groan as I overlook the day. I had woken up to my mom shaking me awake, telling me that I was going to be late if I didn't leave in the next 15 minutes and found that I only had 20 minutes to get to school. In the end, I threw on whatever I could find in my wardrobe and ran out with no breakfast at all. That was my first regret. Next thing I know, it's starts pouring not even 5 minutes later.

For christ's sake, I didn't even reach the bus stop yet! Screw the U.K weather... And when I did reach the bus, I missed it. I missed the goddamn bus, causing me to run through the rain to get to my college.

If not for everything that happened, I could've been at school in a span of 30 minutes. But instead, I woke up late, got poured on, and missed the bus. I didn't even have spare clothes and walked in class with soggy clothes, looking completely shitty.

So I'm glad that school had finally ended. If I spent another hour in that hell hole I probably would've been dead before I could even get black ice for at least one of the operators on Rainbow.

I sigh, trudging up to my gate, and unlocking it. Looking at my front door, I finally acknowledge the relief and gratefulness to be back home. I could be in the comfort of my room, playing Minecraft and completely destroying kids on bed wars. I smile and snicker at the thought.

To not waste any more time of my shitty day, I hastily open the door, and get greeted by the smell of dinner. My eyes glimmer, and I look up to see my mom rush in through the kitchen.

"(Y/N)! Honey welcome home!" Mom smiles warmly. I return the smile. "How was school? Did you make it on time?" she asks, hugging me, and gesturing to come into the kitchen. I shrug off my backpack and kick off my shoes. I groan as I follow her into the kitchen, the delicious aroma getting stronger.

"School was absolute shit" I answer. "I missed the bus and showed up in class like 30 minutes late"

My mom gives me a stern look. "Hey, language" I chuckle and mutter a quick sorry. She then sighed and smiled softly. "I don't blame that your first day was really bad. And anyways, college will be more complicated than being late" Mom laughed. I laugh along and smile.

"Yeah, your right. Buttttt-" I smirk. "What's for dinner. It smells delicious" I compliment. Mom laughs.

"It's your favorite, I thought you might've needed it after today" she answers. My eyes widen and I hug her, laughing.

"Thanks a lot Mum" I thank. She hugs me back and returns the smile.

"No problem sweetie, anytime. Now go set the table, it should be done soon" she orders. I nod and pull away from the hug.

I grin, glad that the day couldn't have gotten any worse.

[ After Dinner ]

Maybe the day could've gotten worse. I was slamming my desk in frustration after I accidentally deleted two of the most complicated plugins I had been working on. I groan, refraining a scream from coming out of my mouth.

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