Chapter 35 | Connection

978 39 38


[ Tommy's PoV ]

To be fair, today was going to be normal as we would have just walked around the mall, vlogging and shopping and all that. I didn't expect to go to a jewelry store and book an appointment for an ears piercing then proceed to bump into an old friend from high school. And high school was actual shit, let me tell you that.

It was worse that Sylvie, one of the well known girls had to bump into me. And she damn well knew how much I was bullied because of my old channel! What a load of shit. It's awkward now that she was walking alongside my friends that she didn't know. And now that I think about it... why is she even in London?

As we walked. Y/n and Julia talked to Sylvie with Sophie walking meekly next to the ravenette. It was sort of weird to see this and I shook my head in disbelief, walking ahead of me. I sigh as we had finished the recording about 5 minutes ago. We didn't just go here to vlog after all, it was also for us to have a good time.

"So is that all we're recording boss man?" Tubbo asks me, walking up next me. I look over at him and start to remember the ears piercing that J was supposed to get. I shake my head and look behind me to Sophie and Julia.

"I still have that ear piercing to get according to Sophie and Julia" I scoff as they go one talking behind us. The brunette laughed beside me.

"Well why don't you just cancel it?" He asks reasonably. I shake my head, "It doesn't work like that Toby, Julia already paid for it and all that shit, might as well not cancel it anyways" I sigh. Toby cocked an eyebrow.

"Well if you hate it so much you don't really need them on when you get your ears pierced" he says with a shrug. "Plus what will the fans think? Damn it'll be a surprise for them" the brunette muttered.

I laughed and nodded in agreement. "I won't wear them on stream obviously" I roll my eyes, "What time is it anyways?" I ask him. He pulls out his phone and looks at it for a bit.

"It's 2:27, why?" Tubbo asks, cocking an eyebrow. I look back and raise my voice, "Julia, what time is the appointment again?!" I ask loudly. She looks over, her eyes in thought.

"2:30 bitch boy!" she answers. "Wait what time is it?!" The ravenette exclaims, fumbling to get her phone out of her pocket. "OH SHIT ITS 2:28?! WHAT THE HELL ARE WE HERE FOR?!" Julia shouts loudly earning us a numerous amounts of stares.

"Calm the hell down! We're not even that far from the place, jeez" I mumble as she pushes me over as I have to speed walk. "See! It's already there!" I say as the I spot the bright lights and the displays.

"Then get your ass in there!" Tubbo laughs. I shoot him a glare, making him laugh harder. for no particular reason. I scoff as I walk in the bright lights hitting my eyes. As the whole group walks in the person at the front cocks an eyebrow at us.

"Hi welcome in, what're you guys here for?" the lady asks as she puts something down on the counter. Julia smiles politely and pushes me forward.

"He's here for his appointment to get his ears pierced" the ravenette says in a softer tone. The lady smiled and pulled out a clipboard. "And what does the name go under?" she asks looking up at Julia.

"Julia Martinez" She says pushing me forward again. "And this young man is getting his ears pierced?" the lady asks looking over at me. I purse my lips and nod.

In The Pale Moonlight | Tommyinnit x Reader Where stories live. Discover now