Chapter 9 | It isn't the best being nervous

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(No proof read. Sorry for any mistakes!)

Last night was rather... eventful if I must say. Yes, I wasn't able to meet up with Tommy, however, the start of the servers roleplay was introduced maybe without any warning. The next morning after, I scolded myself for being so clingy. I was on about how I couldn't meet up with Tommy in my head even when something else I was so excited for was happening just then. How could I make Tommy more important than that?

I was partially mad at myself for caring so much about what the blonde had to do that prevented us from meeting. But I knew well that we couldn't always meet up. We have our own lives, one that we don't often share to each other. Sure, we told some stories about each other and I could only imagine how Tommy would act around other people, but that didn't mean we were the best of friends.

Whilst I was in my thoughts, I was sitting tiredly in my desk with little to nothing to do. I was waiting for Julia to come over so she could help me set up my twitch account and page so I could get started. She said she was pretty sure that some of her viewers were going to hop on over to my stream to check it out, but to be honest, I didn't know what the first thing I was going to do. I'm expecting to disappoint them all with how bad I am on camera, but Julia reassured me that I would be completely fine and I would do great.

I groaned and spun my chair around to face my door. I got up and trudged over to my door to open it languidly. A quiet creak was heard as I jarred it open. The light downstairs and through the window down the hallway shone dimly through my door. I snicker at how uncannily dark my room was. I was truly a gremlin in it's natural habitat.

As I walked downstairs, I heard humming from my mom and the smell of something quite delicious. My eyes widen at the smell, and my pace fastens as I basically take two steps at a time down.

I slid into the kitchen as soon as I made it to the foot of the stairs and looked around to see a skillet on the stove and my mom completely bewildered with the sudden disruption. My eyes were full of hunger, a shine blatant if you looked into them.

"Food?" I spoke, not even standing up properly. I could really care less, I was standing and I wasn't falling, so it works. My mom burst out laughing as the music in the background kept playing softly. I lick my lips, ignoring the outburst and I eye the skillet.

"It's already the afternoon, you haven't been down all day!" my mom exclaims with an amused smile. I roll my eyes with a playful smile on my face. "I smelt food, and I came down as fast as I could. Now woman, what's in the skillet" I order hastily with sass. She cocks an eyebrow, glaring at me. 

"What did you just call me?" Mom asks with a piercing stare. I freeze where I stand. I play back my sentence, my mouth contorting into an 'o' in realization. I straighten up and shake my head aggressively.

"I am so fucking sorry- holy shit. I meant Mom, not woman. Please don't beat my ass-" I apologize quickly. I had called my mom woman. I mentally face palm. Maybe taking a short break from Tommy was best for me.

My mom burst out laughing, shaking her head and walking towards me. I stare incredulously at her as she pats my shoulder. "Honey it's fine! Just don't ever call me that again, or else you won't be able to play for a week, got that" she scolded sternly. Sure, that first part seemed fond, but damn she switched up quick.

I gulp and nod hesitantly. She flashes a bright smile to me and walks back to the stove. "To answer your question" she gives me a quick glare. "I was making steak for dinner since we haven't had it in a while. I smile widely and jump up enthusiastically. I whoop in victory.

"Hell yeah! Finally!" I cheer with my arms up in the air. Mom chuckles behind me, probably with her phone out. I whip back around and give her a fond smile.

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