Chapter 8 | Suspicion

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Me and Tommy ended up talking for bit, our little meet up coming to a stop at about 12:07. I was glad that this time we didn't stay out too long for the guards to be on us again. To be honest that would've had me dead already if that happened a second time. Currently, I was at my desk playing Hypixel with Julia since she asked me to be in a late night stream. Apparently, according to Julia, the chat loved me, and I was fucking shocked. I asked her why, utterly confused but she said she didn't know and shrugged it off after red had pushed us.

"Hey, did you get that email from the school?" Julia asked during one of our matches. I cocked an eyebrow. I never check my emails due to the fact that I get slight anxiety just getting reminded simply of due homework or even the sight of assigned work. It made me feel like there wasn't much time, like it was pressuring me. Maybe even taunting me.

I hummed, "No, I haven't. What's it about?" I responded curiously. Julia groaned on the other line, making me chuckle. "Dude, they changed the amount of days we have to be in school for a week" the ravenette said. I cocked an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, again, confused.

"We have to go to school two times a week now! Can you believe that!" Julia groaned. My face dropped, a look of annoyance plastering it. Why the fuck do we have to go two days a week? Does that mean we have to be in that hell hole for 18 hours a week? I dropped my head on my desk at the thought, silence heard in my headphones.

"Uh, (Y/N)?" Julia called out unsure if I was there. She chuckled, "(Y/N?) she called out again. I lifted my head to look at my monitor to see that I had been eliminated. My energy seemed to drain due to the news and I groaned, reassuring Julia that I was very much alive.

"I think I'm going to get off for tonight" I groan groggily. Julia laughed. "Seriously man, like what the fuck. School is the worst. What are the days?" I ask briefly before logging out.

"Uh, Tuesday and Thursday I believe" I sigh. It wasn't bad, but it still wasn't good. I smile softly and thanked her, logging out of Minecraft.

"Well I'll be going. Bye Julia, bye chat!" I said with a smile. Julia laughed at the fact I said bye to chat. "Hey! Don't steal my children from me!" she scolded. I laugh and roll my eyes, leaving the call. In all honesty, I wasn't tired or anything. I was just bummed because of school.

I sigh, thinking of things to do since there wasn't much I did need to do. I was always on Minecraft or Rainbow Six Siege, and I if I wasn't doing much I would watch YouTube. My eyes snapped open, remembering briefly about the DreamSMP. Hastily, I put my hands on my mouse and keyboard, opening up YouTube to go into my watch history. I scan my watch history to see that most of my recent videos were from the Dream SMP. I chuckle. How uncanny can that be? I thought mentally.

I waste no time and click on the video coming from TubboLIVE who was just talking to Schlatt and other characters on the server. I smile to myself hearing their voices again which had kept me at bay with my own feelings. Lately school has been at me constantly, seeming as if the walls were frequently trying close me in. It feels like I'm suffocating, but my mood lightens whenever I seem to watch these Minecraft youtubers. I smile as I continue to listen into the conversation the group were having.

I laugh at Tommy's attempt to try and talk to Schlatt and Wilbur whilst they have their own conversation. Tubbo moved the hair out of his face, and opened up his chat to see the private message Tommy sent. The message read, dont speak once.

I chuckle lightly, and prop my arm on my desk. Tommy constantly tried to butt into the conversation ending up just getting ignored. The many other people who had been there were completely silent, just simply listening.

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