Chapter 22 "Who am I?"

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The days past buy in the blink of an eye.Thak goodness it was Friday, the last day before winter break. We went to a party fr Christmas eve... so not like in those family christmas movies you see on tv. Then presents on Christmas which was difficult since my parents refused to see each other. So on christmas I had to spend Christmas morning home, afternoon at my dad's hotel, then the evening at home watching christmas movies witch my mom.

Finaly it was New Year's Eve. Yay 2015! We had to go to a party... which was at a bar, and my cousins were-as usual- annoying pests. However it wasn't much of a vacation because right after New Years she made us start packing, our valuables and getting the furniture in a moving van.

I've tried to call Jaden several times since the last time we'e spoken, which was on the phone since he idn't go to school. Which was weird. My mom has been out on several errands, shopping, and I have basically stayed at home. I'm tired by the time I put my books and notbooks in a box, so I take a break and walk towards to the the window. I sigh. If only there was another way.

Then it hits me, I'm leaving my past behind, and starting over, like for real. I won't be just Makayla Casidy anymore. I'll be Makayla, a witch, who no one will know about. I look out at the window and see my favorite tree, the one I climed down since I was 8. I see the cold winter, new york I've grown up to love. When people think about me they think Rebel. Just about when they realize that I can twist you arm in 2 seconds, and that sneak out by climbing down a tree.

Others who don't know me just look at my class, repot card, grades, and attitude I use in class. They think, honors, honor roll, A's, smart. Though what they don't know is that I've been presured into that life. If not I was tortured into thinking and hearing thatI was stupid, worthlesss, and just felt bad.

Whether people thought I was a rebel, bad girl, good girl, smarty, geek, nerd, I never really cared. Since no one thought about getting to know me they just judged about what they thought the knew and saw about me. That was acually why I sang to speak my mind. I felt like no one should feel that way, lonely, worthless, dumb.

I open the window and feel the old, winter air. I don't bother with a jacket, instead I make use with the cardigan I have on and climb on to one of the branch, I see through a wide gap between the branckes with no leaves a hint of sunlight creeping out. When ever I needed insparation or a place to think or relax I came here here I was hdden in the world. I could see them but they can't see me. Just as this though comes into my head I find irony in it as I see him, theguy who hasn't spoken to me in days, and who I still like.

" Hey wait up!" I yell at him

" He doesn't even look up, instead he picks up the pace. I don't even climb down and go after him, what's the point in that. I sigh. I lay back and wave my hand, follow.

I stumble as I land standing up, since I was sitting down, teloporting is so much work!

I fix myself up and look around and I see him. He is sat up in the hallway, of our vacant school. I don't even want know how he got in here.

I walk down the hall not even trying to be subtle, and then slide down the wall and sit next to him,

"what's up?" no respond. I sigh and look around, then back to him. He is about to get up but I grab his risk, "oh now you don't" I warn him.

"I can deal with the ignoring me part, but not walking out without a single word."

fine what?" he asks.

"really? 'hey what?'" he stays silent. " fine we could sit here all day he shrugs.

Or I could make you sing like a bird. I think. Fine, you asked for it.

I can't handle this ignorance so now you'll tell me what's wrong, without a doubt. I think the spell and point at him.

""Fine. I can't handle you moving." now we're getting somewhere.

" Okay I'm here, now talk and tell me why." I look at him not even blinking. he takes a deep breath.

"fine. I just came back, we are finally together. Now you're gonna leave like that. he snaps his fingers. I almost expect myself to disapear or literally leave, but I don't he isn't a witch... or wizard. If only he knew.

"Well I'm sorry but my parents"

"yeah I know. I just wished you didn't have to go" I don't have to go but I want to go, I need to go. Then it hits me. If I don't go I'd be livin a lie. I may have alot of questins that have to be answered, so if I don't go I'd be living a completly different life than now, and I have this power that others don't have and wshed they have, so of course I want to learn more, without having to hide... and finding that girl... Katie, I felt was my key. My key to having my questions answered and learning who I really am.

(sorry it's short but there was presure to update. Read my other chapters and the next chapter will continue this conversation, with of course... a twist, and drama! TTYL!)

The Ups and Downs Of My Life!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant