Chapter 16" Our Duet"

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During our walk to the music room everyone is awkward and I can feel Sky's eyes staring at me with the rage in her eyes and there is some jealousy. I still can't believe she blames me for the kiss, it was an accident. Thank god that Jaden forgives me, or just doesn't care about what happened, he is the only person who is not mad, i told him in homeroom i mean after all i had to explain for the red burned skin on my face.After school i rushed to the bathroom and covered the burn from Sky slapping me.I can see that the Skylar is holding Daniel's hand, and I honestly don't care, but i guess he forgave her. I thought I would, but from what I remember although our kiss was longer than me and Jaden's it really wasn't better or even more passionate, although I hate to admit it, that me and Daniels. I can feel Sky is teaming up with Madelyn for revenge, but I am prepared.

It's after homeroom and we are going to the music room, we joined the club for after school to spend more time, me and sky, but even if she is mad at me, I don't care, i did nothing wrong. When we get to the music room the instruments are lay ed out and their microphone stands set up n the stage and the teacher Mr.Lockwood is wearing a Christmas hat, i am excited. We all take a seat and wait for him to explain. 

" now as you know the holidays are coming up!" we all nod as he continues " well, we will be performing our favorite Christmas songs by the end of class, and the winners will have a special surprise in stored. we all murmur in suspense until we all realize the key word in his sentence winners. 

As he notices our facial expression realizing his twist we see a huge grin on his face " That's right you will be perform in duets!" some groan in disappointment some murmur in excitement, i would be excited if Sky wasn't mad at me and everyone else.

This is one of those things that people compare, who has the better voice? however people discuss this between Sky and Madelyn cause i don't usually sing in public and when they do it is mostly the people in this club, but I am never good enough for everyone to talk about, and i frown at the thought.

"now you guys get to choose you partner and try to use the instruments" says Mr. Lockwood. we all stand up and begin searching for a partner. Jaden approaches me and says "hey"

"hey" i say back and smile, until i see Madalyn coming up to jaden i frown until he says " you want to be partners?" he says surprisingly nervous. my smile returns and i say " yes" his nervousness is replaces with happiness?

Madelyn stands there i guess she is going to have to perform a solo since there is an odd number of students, and only one can perform a solo, o well she loves the spotlight.

we walk over and take a seat i seat on the high chair and he sits on the gran piano seat.

" So what kind of song do you want to sing?" i ask

"i don't know, i don't have a favorite Christmas song" i gasp " i just never really heard much." he says

"well i know some, i was in chorus in our old school remember?" he grins at the idea and memory. He was too but he was off on an early Christmas vacation before he could learn the songs.

" how about a classic like,' Let it Snow' or ' Walking in A Winter Wonder Land"?" 

"lets do 'Let it Snow' it sound cooler and catchy" he says with a huge smile and i smile back and nod at the idea.

"how does it go" i sing the first part

"Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful and since we've go no place to go

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!"
we both laugh and realize that everyone is staring.

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