Chapter 9 " Hands Off!"

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Every period during lunch, we always hate going down to the cafeteria because it's boring since there are so many supervisors there which won't allow us to have fun and it's way to noisy, which is annoying. So whenever we can, we help out at the library and we get in with no problems, so when we need to study we can just go in and use the computers it's pretty cool. The job is so easy, we just stock shelves. Anyways me and sky hang out here and it "our" place. I told her to meet me here since there are not too many students here and those that are, are freshman. while I'm waiting for sky to get here I help out like usual.
" Hey," Jaden says with a smirk. Ugh him again
" go away!" I scowl at him and turn to go back to work. ugh!
" look I'm sorry, that was a dare from my friends to say that I wanted to make out, I just didn't think you would care I mean, you usually don't"
" okay, you obviously don't know me, and second, haven't you learned to not make assumptions? Anyways I'm busy here so can you just get out of my face!"
" c'mon I said sorry"
" ok" I lost it " you are obviously new here, or else you would know that 'a dare' is the lamest Excuse ever, I mean how dumb do you thing I am." I know a liar when I see one, so like I said I don't care and get out of my face!"

Than the craziest thing happens. As I turn around he grabs my risk and pulls me back but this time in his arms as if he is embracing me, and there he is, looking into my eyes and me too.
" let me go of me!"
" still confused about me? Look, I like you and you like me, so about that date?"
"No!"I say looking at his face and standing strong, because I'll let him have fun until I break him. That's how nice I am!

"Fine! Be that ways, how about a kiss? Will that make up your mind?"
" my mind is already made an I told you, I don't want anything from you, so like I said, get of of me, or-"
" or what? C'mon you know you want to" he looks in my eyes and I'm forced to do the same. He leans in closer and moves my hair out if my eyes and to the back of my ear, but this isn't how I want my first kiss to be! Especially, with him, so I've have enough of this.

I lose it and then I kick him in the you-know- what part( somewhere where no boys, want to be kicked) he groans and then he let's go of my risk. I get his hand and twist it and turn it to the side and put it on his back still holding it.
" how's that for 'or else' " I say and it I silenced for a few seconds while I wait for his response."
" you still haven't had your first kiss yet, have you?" He says as if he is some genius kid who knows everything, which is just cocky, and there I remain speechless, looking up at him.

" I should have known. don't worry neither have I" and gives a smirk!"

" yeah right, or is that just for you to get me feel all sentimental and sympathetic for you, just so you can get a kiss from me?"
"You tell me" and he stares at me.
" Kayla , sorry I'm late, I-" Sky says as she comes running in and then stares at me still holding Jaden.
I let go of him and turn to Skylar. We wait to talk until after he left, but before he does I give him an evil glare.

" are you guys together?" Sky shriekes,
What? How could she think that, did she- Ooh I didn't tell her yet.
" um hello did you not just see me there wanting to break his arm off" I say still a bit annoyed by him.
" I thought that was playing hard to get"
" o my god, sometimes you are clueless, and you have had about 2, count Daniel, 3 boyfriends. Me , zero boyfriends!"
" so that's what you wanted to tell me, that you and Jaden didn't hit it off?"
" yes and nope!" She stares at me confused " he walked me home and we just talked, then when we finally came to the door he leaned in to kiss me but my mom came out." I tell Sky as she gasps." Your mom always ruining the fun!"
" but, then we hid behind the big tree until she was gone. Then he tried to kiss me again but I pushed him away."
"But-" I interrupt Skylar so I can explain " then he asked me out and today he was such a jerk because he only wanted to kiss me in hopes of 'making out' so I rudely declined, and now he wanted to kiss me and take me out on a date. but I kicked him in the balls, and then twisted his risk" saying that last part quietly because I don't want to get fired or banned from the library, or worst get suspended.
" okay now that explains everything, even why you didn't return my calls"
Sky says

" yeah" I say " my mom was just giving me another one of her "rude, lectures" I pout.
Skylar feeling empathetic gives me a hug. Then we go back to work until lunch is over.

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