Chapter 28 "The beginning"

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I wake up to someone shaking me and yelling "Get Up" I open my eyes and find my mom standing in front of me. Her hair and makeup are perfectly done and she is dressed in some wedges, jeans, and a t-shirt... as always she get's ready and tells me to get ready last and blames me for it. I swear under my breath and in my head cause let's face it I get mad easily.

I put on some skinny jeans, my long boots, and a t-shirt and put on a cardigan since it's cold. I put my hair in a pony tale, and got down to eat with the only utensils we have left. Finally I go back up and start carrying the boxes I packed last night to the moving truck.

I yawn and realize it's 9 o'clock it's way too early! I don't get up minimum at 10 o'clock! My mom yells to hurry up and I realize that I did'nt finish packing. The only think left is a spell. I close the door and lock it, and pull the shades down. Irresponsible is what I am know, but put everything in boxes so I can go.

Everything is in the boxes in a blink of an eye...even the dresser!Yikes!

I did'nt mean for this to happen without a doubt, so leave all the things I need in there and take the furniture out.

Everything is now normal and I let out a sigh or relieve out right when the horn from the truck honks and I jump. I start carrying boxes down ready for a new beginning to start.


I finish loading the truck and I am met by my dad who I hugged and said goodbye to, I was about to go inside and leave when I remembered something important. I run back inside and up the stairs and find my song book. I hold it still in shock that I almost forgot it, the spell didn't put the book inside the box because I put a protection spell on it. Silly I know but her it is valuable to me. I un back down unaware of the loose pages I have inside but I have no time to look back, as I know a few have fallen out... but I'll be back cause the past always comes back to haunt.

When I go outside I go across the street and inside the truck but am met by an unfriendly surprise.

"going without saying goodbye old friend?"

I look and it is no other than skylar but she is with someone... an older lady.

"that was the plan" I say

"Makayla you weren't gonna say bye to Skylar that's not ni-" but before she an finish she is knocked out and I look at my dad and he is also knocked out and has fallen to the ground. I look over to the direction of the older woman by Skylar side. "what?"

It seems Skylar reads my mind cause she answers exactly what I am wondering .. "oh her" she gestures to the woman "she's my mom."

what? as always questions whirl in my mind asking how? it can't be? i've ever met her mom because she left Skylar when she was only 9 nearly 4 years ago... she knocked out my mother with a ...spell? she has powers so she is a witch!

"Darling you grew up so well, you are so pretty just wait soon you will be as beautuful as your mother." what? my mother ... is this woman next to me not my mother? I always thought but ... it would answer my questions.

"What do you know about my mother?" I ask as I get out of the car ready for a battle that I have been waiting for.

"Yeah what do you know?" ask Skylar as she starts backing away from her so-called-mother.

"well as much as I know about your 'father'" she puts air quotes around my father and then says "that they are not your parents,"

"your mom is my dear-" but she doesn't finish cause she then flies through the air and takes a hard hit. I turn around and see a women who I have never met before...

"Shut up!Don't tell her anything about her mother! Don't give her ammunition!" She looks at me and gives me a big grin and starts walking towards me as I start backing away. "So I hear there is a possibility that I might be your new step-mother?"

"What?Wh-What are you talking about I" I stumble on my words.

"Well you see" she walks toward my father, or who I was thought to believe was "we have fallen in love. I mean look at me who else would he pick over this bag of trash" as she gestures to my "mother"

"Hey! Watch what you say!"

"or what!" she says sternly, this time she means business.

I think about revealing my heart birthmark but I decide against it. How much do I really know about it?

" try me!"

"Don't mind if I do!"she attacks me with a random ball of power, I run for it and cartwheel, landing on one knee and ducking the other one she throws.

"what no magic?" she says and she throws another I throw myself down to the floor and roll, landing on my knees. Good thing I took Karate!

"I'm strong without it, why use it now?" and it's true why use it when you still can go old school and show off a little!

"what do you want?Who are you?" I tell her "Just someone looking for power." she chuckles "now!"

I turn around a Skylar forms a huge ball of fire and throws it at me .. I put my arms over my head and eyes waiting for it to hit but It doesn't. Instead it hits and disappears. What?

The only time something like this happens is when Skylar was about to throw her lunch tray on me and I did the same thing, covered my head and eyes. but instead I yelled Stop! and it freezed everyone and everything. But instead it formed like.. a shield?!

"She is strong even without powers, what do we do now?" the women yells "what we do best!" Skylar replies " destroy!" she comes running at me and stands in front looking at me in the eyes.

"So still the same Slut?" she says and throws a punch but I catch it " Never was but if you want to find one why don't you look in a mirror." I say and twist her around twisting her arm on her back "oh wait you have. Your just too conceited to realize it."

"Get away from her!" I turn around and find her mother ready to fire at me, literally. I look at Skylar "sorry" and throw myself and her to the floor dodging the attack and I look at her "for your mother." I stand back up with her and her arm twisting causing her in pain, and kick her, throwing her onto the ground.

hey! A girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do!

OWW! I feel dizzy but not cause I got hit or anything but something hurts from the inside. Last time I got a pain like this was in dance when I fought with Skylar but it was my birthmark...and it still is. Something's wrong.

A voice echoes from the back of me. "So what I miss." I turn around and a girl with blood on her lip, and a knife in her hand, that looks like Skylar, and who stares at me . Then she looks at Skylar who is in pain. "tell me little sister." Sister?

Hey guys so I know I haven't updated in forever but I did I had writers block it happens! I hope u understand it I just don't know how to describe the fight moves of her so now u know more of her... The pic on the side is Daniel ik he wasn't in this chapter, he was supposed to be but it is long enough. Those of u who read love struck know Skylar's sister so READ IT! There is a twist... c ya :-D

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