Chapter 14 "Drama with Madalyn"

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I walk in and see Skylar and Madelyn sitting at their usual seats and sit down at my seat. I glance at Sky and know that I have to tell her the truth about what just happened between me and Danial, and i know she will be pissed, but she will forgive me, i know!

         I sit impatiently in my seat and hear the teachers instructions for the experiments, we are learning about the earth and its rock, geology, this is what i get for getting in honors. I wait to tell us to pick a partner but instead,

"For this assignment I will be assigning you partners." I gasp, but quickly cover my mouth with my hand, hoping not to draw to much attention towards me, but everyone stares, knew it!

" now lets began..." as he begins to go down the list, i cross my fingers to be lucky enough to be with Skylar.

" Skylar you will be with Ma-" as he looks at his paper i get excited and the "-dison, you will be with Madison." she frowns at me but shrugs, at least she got a good partner, wait who am i with?

" Makayla you are with Madelyn"ugh, i turn to look over at her and she waves a fake smile, and then an evil grin, what is she up to? 

I am so annoyed, but at this point i don't care, i can handle her. she picks up her books and walks to the desk next to be a pushes the two desks together. She sits downs and puts her goggles on, and i put mine on.

" hey" she says

" hey!" i say with best fake smile. I am prepared for anything she is going to say.

" where is the acid,and the rocks?"

" over there." as i gesture to a small table with all the materials " i'll go get them!" 

" okay" i get up and leave to get the materials." 

"here" i hand her the supplies and we do the experiment without getting in each other's ways or even talking to each other. 

        At the end when we are done even with our questions i grab the supplies and get ready to stand and take them to the desk when-

" ugh, what did you do" Madelyn shrieks as everyone turns to see what happens.

i turn to see my eyes looking at her pants that have acid all over them, oh shit!

" i am so sorry" i tell her as i pick up the bottle of acid off her pants.

"don't worry it s not that bad this one is'nt that harmless"

" you did this on purpose" of course she would think that." no i didn't-" i panic

" because you were jealous of me and Jaden!" everyone gasps and me too, please she has got to get over herself, she hasn't even really talked to him, so excuse herself!

"please that's not true!"

" yes it is stop denying, everyone knows that you have had a silly crush on him for like ever! Well guess what sweaty, it;s never going to happen, because he still loves me!" she is starting to sound whining, well guess what she has crossed the line!\

" well guess what sweetie, i got news for you, if you believe in it hard enough, doesnt me it will come true."everyone is oohhning now a my come back.

" you better get a life darling!" " and to think i came here all nice to tell you that  was going to ask him out, and ask if you were okay with at and be all sympathetic but i guess not anymore." that litlle bitch!

" oh i though that he loved you, and yet you still have to ask him out, HA!" I laugh at her face, she is such a liar.

she is pissed off, well she deserves it, after that little scene.

"I'll get you for this," she threatened. i told you i could handle her.

As the bell rings, i am relieved. As i go out of class and head to my next everyone is telling me how that comeback was awesome, i just say thanks and then after i think about it i laugh and roll my eyes at the thought. Skylar then comes out and talks, i am nervous to tell her.

"hey that was awesome!" she says

" thanks" i say getting nervous " listen "  i continue. "i have to tell you something really important that-"
i  am then interrupted by the sound of the second bell

" sorry Kayla, but we're going to be late talk to you after dance!" she says and runs don the hall

"ok, see you then", "just wanted to say that ' even though it may damage our and you and daniel's relationship!" i whisper to make sure no one heard it. the final bell rings and the hallway is almost empty. 

I turn the corner to start running to my next class when i see Madelyn and Jaden in the corner and her hands touching his shoulder and him staring at her, as she whispers something in his ear which i can barely hear. But then he grins at her but looks uncomfortable.He removes her hand and i smile as i watch, i literally don't care if i am late, just to see this, as long is at ends on a happy note, for me of course. Her hand goes back to his skin but this time holding his chin and leaning in and them looking at each other's eyes, about to kiss, omg! when they are interrupted by Jaden saying something and loud enough for me to hear.

" Makayla" he whispers at Madelyn and she looks shocked and confused while hurt,  and jaden looks confused but shocked at his choice words as well am i, but i on the other hand am happy and amused. at least this ended on a happy note, for me!.

I hear footsteps and turn to see a teacher coming i start running the other end of the hallway so no one sees me, and no one does. it's too late to go to class so i decided to skip and go to the library, so far it has been a great morning, until...

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