Chapter 4 What Can Love Do To You?

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As I look over to my right I see... "Jaden!?" I whisper then gasp. My face is in complete shock and so is madalyne, so you can obviously assume, but most obviously know, that she didn't know he would be here. I see him and he looks even better than two years ago, and he isn't wearing glasses but contacts now and has a cute haircut but he looks hot now. I turn over to Madalyne and she wakes up from her state of shock and takes another bow and gets off the stage and walked smoothly to Jaden and hugs him as if she knew he would be here, yeah right I mean did you see her face. HA! LOL! Then I notice that he shakes his head and she laughs as if it's all good and waves bye at him with the " flirty fingers." I feel someone tap me in the arm and totally forget that sky is next to me. She looks concerned and whispers " are you okay, you know because of him." I nod but grab by bag and say goodbye and head out to go home, after all I can't even face this, him, her. though the hard part is getting out of here without getting humiliated by him since he is standing in the doorway. I consider using the back way but i need to face him. Plus the guy I know that can get me through isn't working today. I grab my bag and get through while they are applauding for the next poet to come on stage and try to sneak through, but.. As I make my way to the doorway and feel someone yank my arm, and next thing I know I'm facing Jaden, and looking at his dark brown eyes. " Hey Kayla, don't say hello to me anymore? And don't deny me I say you look at me when I came in." He says grinning at me showing is perfect white teeth. I chuckle in a friendly way. " yeah I know and your right I did see you, it's just that I'm in a hurry to get home." I lied, desperate to get out of this conversation. " but anyways, 2 years and your back, why?."
" wow you're in a hurry to get home yet your having a conversation with me, wow!" " but yeah I'm back after two years because, I moved back since my dad quit his old job to start his own business here." Wow so he moved back! That means he is going to school, here and I'll have to see him everyday, and everybody will know that I had a crush on him, OMG how humiliating will that be. I mean it was bad enough last year but right when everybody is forgetting it. Agh!
" wow that's great so I guess we'll be seeing more of each other then." Trying to sound excited. Good thing I'm a great actress, after all when you lie as much as me, you have to be good at it." Yeah I gu- guess s-so." Stumbling, " anyways " he speed up his words " do you need someone to walk with?" He askes. I suddenly get nervous and quickly say" no, no. It's fine I couldn't ask you to do that. Plus I live far probably farther than you."
" no, it's fine plus I know where you live , remember we used to walk together sometimes, and we were able to get our old house back." " really? Ok then if you don't mind." Even though I knew his house was on sale and that someone already bought it, I men's what do you expect me to do while passing my the house. I knew some family was moving in today but I
didn't care, until NOW!
" ok then let's go!" He says and grabs his leather jacket, puts it on as we head out to the street and start walking. OMG, what did I get myself into?

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