Chapter 2 My Escape

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I grab my headsets, plug them to my iphone and start listening to music. I lay on my bed still so upset and mad at my mom for being like she is! I consider crying or writing in my journal like most times, but instead I wait. I decide to write in my song book some lyrics that I've been working on in the meantime.

"In this cold harsh, judgmental world_ in my eyes,

it's like no one exepts you for who you are-

you're stuck writing down the words you want to say,

and hiding your voice Even though you got so much to say_

but with every limitaton, how can you say it?

It's always unfair You're the underling_

while they act like they can do watever they want

You want to scream from the top of your lungs-

and get your voice out into the world."

_then i hear a whistle from outside of my window - but not any whistle-Sky's signal whistle. I look down to make sure it's her, and I see her on the street waving at me. I'm correct. look down both ways to make sure no one's watching I grab a post it and a pen and write a letter to my mom.

"Went to the library to research and print my essay for English".
- -M.

Since no one but Sky is there i climb down the big tree outside my bedroom window, like always when i need an escape, like from my mom, and like you guessed she obviously doesnt know.

Although this isn't the first time I've lied, i lied 15 minutes ago, i mean i do have an essay due I just already did it today durring free period, study hall. She just doesn't know it, because since my laptop is having trouble connecting to the internet and we have no other computer, I've had to go to the library for all my research assignments. Trust me when you live a life like me you learn a thing or two.

Once i land or my feet touch the streets me and Skylar strt walking, since i cant take my bike because my mom thinks I'm at the library, which is two blocks away from my house it would so look like i lied, even though i did. So me and Sky start walking to the cafe that's three blocks away, and much further than the pizza shop, but hey we need the exercise right? Plus i need to cool down. "So what was the fight about this time?" she asked, not sounding the least bit annoyed. " My mom found out I got an 87% on my math test" i tried to sound at least a bit excited but was hard cause of the dissapionment on my mom's face. "OMG Kayla you went to the libray all week to study. plus that was a really hard math test, I'm so proud." you could tell she was really truly proud because it was in her voice."I know but to my mom t isn't, she doesn't care how hard it was or how 'little' I studied in her eyes, only how bad i did." "still I'm proud of you, I mean you canceled your weekend plans with me and did better than me. I mean i got a 78% and you left me alone with Daniel all week." please she was happy and pleased that i did that, you could tell in her voice that she was. After all she was left alone with Daniel ALL WEEKEND! " AWW man what did your mom say about that?" i asked. " Nothing, she said, and i quote ' I'm disappointed in you, but still I understand after all I'm not the best in math myself, how about we go for pizza
and talk about how you feel, after all you must be so upset.'" I am not at all surprised , I mean her mom is a therapist mine is an accountant and was a straight A' honors student." Well still, at least someone is proud of mean. After all, you always know how to make me feel better, thanks!" I give my best friend a hug and then we arrive at the cafe.

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