Chapter 6 "What JUST Happened?"- The Aftermath

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As you may know there is part of I song that I wrote, therefore I own all rights to it! Here you get to know the awful side of her mother, that Kayla sees. So on with the show, enjoy!
After I close the bedroom window I turn around to find the note I left for my mom, right where I left it, so she doesn't know I was gone. I pick it up and keep it just in case. I still cannot believe that just happened. I mean I have dreamed of that moment my whole life and now that I just had the chance, I didn't take it. However that would have been my first kiss, and it was just not worth it, I'm still trying to heal from the heartbreak. I hear a knock on the door " Makayla! Can we talk! We need to talk about your grades" OMG not this again, she is going to say" you should be getting high grades, when I was your age I had nothing and I got high grades. And you're my daughter. You're a dummy, stupid, idiotic,naive girl and I hate how you cry, you have to be a strong, brave girl. How does she think I won't cry at those HURTFUL things she has to say. What does she want me to say " well I'm sorry I'm not your perfect, smart daughter and that I'm an embarrassment that doesn't fit in your perfect family?" I've said that before she doesn't care. "Whatever, come in"

From there it's just hurtful comments, like I Just described and I say what I was and I break into tears. My mom leaves by saying" one more and I'll give you a good SMACK!! I knew it.

I break down and like always cry into my pillow and my blanket which I is something I had since I was born. I decide to forget this little" lecture" I'm still feeling complex, orconfused. I look back at I song I had written after the fifth grade, last year. How I was feeling, and how I felt if and when someone told me he liked me:

"Still healing my broken heart
Feeling- so_depressed
Want to ignore the world
Thought I was over you
Thought I had no chance~ so I gave up on you
Thought it was over- had no feeling left
Or so I though_"

And so I went on in tears and confused while I looked over the song, I have written over a year ago. Then, as I'm looking at the book with the song in it my phone vibrates and it's a message from Sky.

" hey U okay? I saw you leave with him. U need 2 talk?"
And as for my mom i know how to handle her but she sometmes get to me. I meant her disappointment, the hurful words, the pain she threatens, and well, shall I go on. In case anyone was confused I'm not an only child, or with my mother alone. Thank god! But sometimes I wish I was alone but I don't want to feel alone.

Thanks for reading, this was mainly to get a glimps of what her real mother is like because as seen on tv, don't believe it until you see it or in this case, read it. Stay tune for chapter 7 and a SNEAK PEEK! A sneak peek for what might or could happen, soon...Stay tune!

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