chapter 1 My Life!

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I'm the kind of person that hates when the world is unfair, hates mean bossy, thinks they're all that, agh their the worst. I stand up for myself and i dont care what other people think. ESPECIALLY my parents!


"Makayla! " yelled my mom from all the way downstrairs. "WHAT!"i yell back, even though i know what this is about, my test grade for math! "GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW, OR ELSE YOU KNOW WHAT!!!" I nearly jump up, this must be serious. Kowing the drill, I text my best friend skylar, ' hey it's time she found out, u know wat 2 do, ttyl.' I run down stairs preparing myself for what is about to happen. " do you know who just called me?" my mom askes me. " i have a pretty good guest, my math teacher" i reply. " you guessed correct, Miss, Washington called and she said you got an 87% on your test". Did i just hear corectly an 87%, I studied for a whole weekend in the library just to at least get an 85 and got an 87% i am happy, that was a hard test i was sure i was going to get an---but then i notice my mom's face, man she's mad. she is waiting for me to say something to her. i remember that for me that is an accomplishmment but to her it's a failure. '"I'm sorry, but what, I went to the library and studied as hard as I culd that was a hard test" as I look at my mom she gives me the death stare, like everytime I feel im not good enough for her perfect family. " i dont want to hear it, you know why you are getting these grades?" getting ready for the embaresment I shrug as if i dont know. "because you are running around with your friends looking, talking, and firting about and to boys" I HATE it when she says that because its not truelike always she makes assumptions, for me of course. I prepare myself for a fight.

" look mom I don't like any boys right now and I'm in the SEVENTH GRADE, and tell me where would you get that idea" nearly yelling. My mom looks at me like im dumb, nothing new "because i see you hanging out with your friend Skylar and her boyfriend.

Like everytime, my rage starts up , i hate it when she says that or just comments about my friendship with Skylar. I mean "hello", I've known her since we were 5, this is so like my mom. Judging me through my friends, and just judging my friends in general. It's not my fault my best friend found a guy that really cares about her and that she likes plus she's liked him since 2nd grade. Suddenly my voice goes high and not the squeeky kind, I mean the kind when I lose it and yell..." you don't know what you're thalking about, I hang out with Skylar and she has a boyfriend, that doesn't have anything to do with me! And how many how many times have i told you neceily to not judge me or my friends like that?!" " AGH!" I lose it and run upstairs , but before I slam the door I yell " AND I STUDIED HARD FOR THAT TEST!", and I slam the door. I turn for my escape...

The Ups and Downs Of My Life!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora