Chapter 3 My Past, On Love.

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ATTENTION, I own all leal rights and copy rights to these lyrics that are mentioned in this chapter. Thank you and continue reading
As we enter the cafe you hear them present their next poet, Madelyn Quinn " it's never the end" agh again . I'll tell you something I hate a bunch of things in this world, but I seriously hate her! Everyone claps for her, then I see her, She gets up on the stage an as she looks up she spots me and gives a smirk. "Thank you, this is a poem I wrote about a guy I used to like and it'll never be the end of us, but instead It'll be a song that i will perform" then she glances over at me and winks, even though I know what this is about. She starts singing...

" I remember all our memories- of you and me, how it was only you and me, the moment you took my hand,and told you loved me, as you kissed me, even we knew we were too young to know- what true love is_ but in my heart, and I could tell in your too, I knew that it's never the end"

From their I got so mad i just stopped listening and spaced out. She knew, she still knows about_ him! Since 2nd grade i liked this guy named Jaden, he was like my ideal guy that i liked. Funny, smart, tall, cute, and still a bit of a rebel. Everyone knew I liked him even Madelyn since the 2nd grade, but she didn't care she asked hm out and unfortunatly he said yes. Without hesitation. That's when Madelyn came in, the forth grade, this all happened in the forth and fifth grade, Unfortunately, most of my classmates went to the same middle school as me, not including Jaden, because he moved away, but including Madalyn.! Sooooo all of them remember him and her dating, and me having a crush on him, so embarrassing!

I wake up from my day dream to the roaring applause, I look up to see Madalyn taking about and smiling, then her face going in shock and her smily turn into a frown as she looks over to the left towards the cafe's entrance. iI hear the crowd mumble as the they talk to each other wondering what is hapening. I look over to the right to see what's the problem is and see..."WHAT!" I whisper and gasp. WTF!

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