Chapter 19 "A Messy Situation"

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I wake up and look like a mess. my mind is rattling and giving me a headache from everything that has happened. I can't belive that girl is a vampire and has a birthmark but it's not like mine.
I think hard to look back when I saw it on her neck it was... A star- no. it was a cross between a star and moon. but the question is why?! Why did I go to her and that 'friend' of her and is there more to this? After that experience my decision on moving has gotten easier but not until I talk to Jaden.

I get change and put on a yellow shirt and some jeans but with some long black boots with matching yellow laces. I wish it wasn't December and in New York it is freezing cold and the weather close to snowing... wait December ! Today is December 19. That means Monday is the last day before winter break... And my birthday is in two months!!!

I'm interrupted by my alarm going on as my final warning that it's time to get ready. Since I'm already dressed a start to go to the bathroom to brush my hair and my teeth when I remember.. I have powers!

"I don't want to be late cause believe it or not I care, so brush my teeth and my hair." I snap my fingers and look in the mirror to see that I am nicely groomed but I don't like my hair.

" After that spell my hair is straight and that is not the look I want for me, so for this look I want my hair my natural wavy."
My hair is exactly the way I want it and run downstairs, to eat breakfast.

~ ~ ~
I walk outside ready to walk to school when I hear someone shouting my name "Makayla!" "Makayla" followed by the sound of someone running towards me. I turn around and find Jaden. I start to freak out and look at my house to make sure my mom isn't looking out the window, cause if she saw me with him she'd kill me.

"Hurry up" I say waving toward him. like my dad said yesterday he is staying at a hotel so he want there this morning.

"Hey how are you ?" Jaden asks me.

" well yeah is actually what I need to talk to you about" I murmur to him hesitantly.
A worried look spreads on his face and his his expression is serious and his voice is low as he says " what is it? It's not about yesterday ... Is it?"
Well something happened yesterday.. but it's not know.. us. Well.. not technically ."
He hesitantly opens his mount to speak but I talk before he can say anything.
" it's my parents." I take a deep breath and continue " they are getting a divorce." And quickly added " it's complicated."

" I'm so sorry Kayla " he says and reaches out for me but pull away. I need to get this off my chest.

" and my mom wants us to move." he then stops in the middle of the sidewalk and looks at me, as if deciding what to say next. " what? When? Where?" "

" yesterday they said that my mom is moving to Boston and she wants me to go with her. She's moving around the end of January and my dad is staying and keeping the house" I slowly tell him try to avoid eye contact.

" well what do you want to do?" He asks shyly

" i don't know I'm torn cause..well. your here." And for the first time that morning I look up at his eyes

" well I think it's a no brain-er" he says and continues " you stay here,and I mean we just started ... well whatever we are so..." he trails off and I let go of his grip. I am so disappointed.

"Really!" I start walking way to head inside and go to homeroom when he yells "what?!" I turn around anger takes over.
" you really want to know!"
He nods and I continue " fine what's wrong is that I kind of wanna go and I expected u to be supportive"

" so then why ask if you know what you wanna do?" He asks

" cause I'm confused between us." I wave my hand between us.

" fine, I'm sorry" he take my hand and he has me almost fully over his control .

" your decision it's just I lost you once and I don't want to go for a second time "

"Fine I'll think about it" I walk inside and say goodbye before heading to my seat in homeroom.


"Kayla over here " Jaden gestures to the seat next to him in the cafeteria. I smile and walk toward him. I would have gone to library but I am kind of ignoring Skylar.

" hey "

"Hey" he says and grabs my hand. wow.

" so what you gonna do?" He asks

" I don't know" obviously knowing what he's taking, about the move.

My eyes travel to the other side of the cafeteria where Skylar is with Daniel giving me a death glare. she starts walking toward me and Jaden and acts friendly.

" hey girl " she waves and comes closer with her lunch tray in her hands and Daniel along side.

"Hey" I say awkwardly
" so what you doin-"l we both gasp as her tray falls from her hands and falls toward me, I freeze and cover my head with my arms I wish I could freeze this.


A second passes and I don't feel anything gross or liquety on me, I unfold my arms that I use to cover my head and see that everything around me has... froze. I look at m hands and they are facing the lunch tray as if I am making this happen. I let my hands fall and I wish that time will go!
Next thing I know I feel food and milk on me. why did today have to be spaghetti day! And with hot sauce! I gasp and stand up. I look at Sky who is giving me a smirk. I shake my head at her and I am about to throw my hand at her to slap her when " stop!" Jaden grabs my hand and wraps his arm around my waist as I struggle to break free.

He gives me a stare saying ' don't do this!' I take his advise and leave the cafeteria to the bathroom

Skylar's P.O.V
What the heck just happened?! I was just looking at Makayla while the tray that 'fell' from hands was about to fall on her when we froze. Well everything except her froze. I coundn't do anything I just stayed there so did everyone else. Except I saw everything just counlnd't do anything, probably cause I'm a witch and because of that protection spell Raven put on me.

The weird thing was that for the first time I noticed her birthmark, the heart, she's a heart! And Elena is NOT going to be happy, but this could ruin my whole plan to get rid of her by making her move to Boston, I talk to her mom and she told me, Sucker!

HA! That was hilarious! As much as I hate that she has the power that I don't have, though I will soon, that was funny. You don't need magic to embarrass her!

Though I will need magic to keep her away from Jaden. You may ask " why you want Jaden of you have Daniel?" that's easy cause he is a good minion and keeps my popularity up. Jaden on the other hand was mine to began with, I kissed him first! We were each other's first kiss, and he is seriously the hottest guy in school and Jaden is WAY out of Makayla's league.

My plan to keep her away from Jaden while getting her away from us and New York will all go down tonight as soon as I tell her mom Makyla's secrets that she has been so rudely keeping will go down after school. Wit a little help of Magic. After all she may have the power but not for long. Plus she is a Newbie, I still got time!

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