Chapter 34

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We need to find Andrew a bae yea?


Chapter 34:

Brooklyn's POV:

"Yea you are all happy now because of Ella, right?" I cooed as I lifted Jaxon. He smiled down at me as we sat on the couch together.

"Luna? Ryder requests your assistance." Andrew said coming in.

"Okay." I said getting up. I placed Jaxon on my hip as he rested his head against my chest. He was finally growing at the abnormal fast pace of a werewolf child. Immortal children were always steps ahead of human children. Look at Ella, she is five but talks like a teenager. Jaxon is around two months old and he is already at the pace for a nine month old. He smiles, he laughs and he plays with small toys.

I walked into Ryder's office and Jaxon hit my chest happily at the sight of him. He made happy baby noises and Ryder looked up.

"What are you doing, huh?" He smiled taking him from my arms. His little legs went up and down as Ryder carried him.

"Andrew said you needed me?" I asked looking behind me to see Andrew.

"We have a hybrid downstairs." Ryder said.

"A hybrid? Half werewolf...?" I said trailing off.

"And half vampire." Ryder finished. Hybrid's were rare. Especially vampire hybrids.

"And as you know the vampires don't touch any hybrids after they get bit by another creature." He added.

"So what are you planning to do with this hybrid?" I asked.

"His name is Sam Stone. His father is Harkon Stone a vampire lord, he has a brother named Rick no trace of his mother."

" didn't answer my question though."

"You are the Luna meaning you make decisions with me. In the end it is my overall decision but I want to hear your input."

"He is a hybrid. If you let him go he dies by vampires or werewolf hunters. Let him stay here. Vampires don't feed on werewolves."

"That's the thing. Where will he get his blood source?" Andrew asked.

"We have sources do we not? Use them." I said. Jaxon lightly patted Ryder's chest as he watched us. He had this thing where he lightly tapped your chest as he sat with you.

Ryder smiled approvingly.

"Alright. Andrew you're in charge of him. Teach him to shift and teach him the rules."

"Yes sir." Andrew nodded he walked out leaving us alone. As the door shut Ryder sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked folding my arms.

"We have another issue regarding Andrew and Ella" He said.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously. Ella was back at school, we couldn't keep her from her studies.

"Andrew is older than me." He said and I frowned.

"Really? How old is he?"

"Sixty-six and he hasn't found his mate yet and th-"

"You guys think Ella is his mate?" I asked raising my eyebrow.


"A Taylor Lautner type thing? Does that even exist, Ryder?"

"He feels the instincts at his age because he is above sixteen. She won't really feel any effects because she is not a werewolf. Nonetheless she is his mate.

"How come he didn't tell me?" I asked.

"He was afraid you would be disappointed. He respects you highly. He is a great beta, great enough that I gave him permission."


"To date Ella when she is of age."

"When she is of age she will be shipped off to Black Wood company."

"Exactly. He knows what she has to do and he respects it. "

"How old are you?" I blurted.

"Twenty-seven, you know that." He said.

"Your real age, Ryder. You stopped aging at twenty-seven." He sighed and smiled.


"Eww...I'm dating an old man?" I teased and a black glaze passed over his eyes.

"I'm good looking for my age, right Jax?" He asked turning to look at him and he smiled.

"Thank you, Mommy doesn't think so because mommy is mean and doesn't realize how daddy can make her beg while she is in bed."

"Ryder!" I hissed and he laughed as did Jaxon.

"He doesn't know what I'm saying and you should be prepared."

"Prepared for what?" I asked.

"Prepared for me after I give Jaxon to the nanny." He smirked.

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