Brunch (Part 1)

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3rd person POV

"Alright everyone we are here!" Tamaki shouts leaping out of the limousine.

"Boss, do you have to be so loud?" Kaoru complains

"Really, its too early for this. Also didn't Y/N-chan tell us to be here at 0900?" Hikaru asks half caring

"She did, but we can't be rude guests and come right on time," Tamaki scolds them

"Sure. But why are we here at 7:30am?" the twins become irritated from lack of sleep

"They're right senpai. Y/N might not be ready for us yet and this is a bit extreme even for an early arrival," Hikaru states

"You don't think that Y/N will be mad at us for coming a little early do you," Tamaki begins to panic

An ominous presence appears right behind Tamaki, "Why would you showing up over an hour early making me upset?"

The twins and Tamaki gasp while hiding behind the limousine for protection. Haruhi sighs and shakes her head at the over dramatic reaction to Y/N annoyed, but fair mode.

"Sorry Y/N. Tamaki was insistent on making sure we all got here without being late," Haruhi explains

"That I can believe. Where are the others?" Y/N questions

Haruhi simply points into the limousine. This causes the twins and Tamaki to flinch from Y/N's quick movement into the limousine. They all wanted to warn her about the not morning people waiting inside, but she was too quick. She carries her bags in and closes the door causing the limo to shake this causes Tamaki and the twins to flinch again knowing that would have woken the three inside.

Murderous stares come from Kyoya and Honey while Mori opens one eye to see what's going on. Y/N smiles sweetly and begins digging in one of her bags. She's completely unphased by their intense glares. She places three water guns out for each of them and a bottle of water to fill them.

She smirks at them and begins to fill her own, "You know this was meant to be a prank for all of you incase you did something stupid, but I think you need this more than me."

Surprisingly Kyoya is the first to grab the toy and even dug into the icebox for a few ice cubes. His focus causes a shiver down Y/N's and Mori's spine. Y/N questions her actions for a moment, but then thinks about how fun it will be to see their faces from the surprise attack. Honey leans over with his toy gun open toward Kyoya so he can add ice into his as well. Mori and Y/N share a look, Mori gives a small smile, and Y/N can't help a giggle escape seeing the excessive seriousness this prank has become.

Whispers can be heard from outside the limousine, "Do you think she's ok?" "I don't know, but you should check." "Why me?" "Because you made us get here too early" "But I don't want to."

It goes quiet outside the limo again. Mori, Honey, Kyoya, and Y/N are ready for their attack. Honey is positioned at the sunroof and Kyoya is at the door.

"Now!" Honey yells as he leaps out of the sunroof aiming directly at the twins with a ruthless vengeance. They collide into each other while shrieking at the unexpected cold water hitting them both.

Kyoya keeps all his focus on Tamaki who is struggling to decide to hide behind Haruhi or runaway. Ultimately, he falls and is mercilessly hit with the chilled water. Mori looks out the sunroof and hits the twin that escapes Honey's wrath.

Y/N is busting a gut from laughter seeing the madness she ensued. She calmly gets out of the limo and walks toward Haruhi. Haruhi seems unphased by everything, but she seems to enjoy seeing Tamaki getting bombarded with the cold water.

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