Ouran Fair

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1st day of the Ouran Fair

3rd Person POV

"Great work everyone! You did an excellent job showing off the new throwing skills!" the Ultimate Frisbee Captain shouts to the team.

Y/N snickers, "And the amazing recovery techniques on those 'random' fly aways."

Y/N teases the Captain about his one miss throw when a girl was flirting with him. The team tries to hide their smiles thinking about how the disc flew completely off course forcing one of their runners to do a rather impressive bid to save it. Luckily all the spectators assumed it was part of the demonstration.

"Yes," the captain pinches the bridge of his nose trying to hold back an embarrassed blush. "Our runners did an impressive job showing off the athletic feats we sometimes have to use in a heated moment."

The captain's poor choice in words caused the girls to start giggling and the guys having intermittent snorts trying to hold in their laughter. Y/N sits on the ground legs criss-crossed next to the Captain looking up with the most obnoxious knowing smile.

"Why do I put up with any of you?" The Captain groans.

"Because we are the best team ever and who else will look out for you the way we do," Y/N mocks while holding a crumpled piece of paper in her hand for him to take.

He eyes her suspiciously, in the end takes it. When he opens it his eyes go wide and his cheeks become heated. The teammates look between each other trying to figure out what Y/N could have given him to fluster the captain so much.

Before they can sneak around to see he clears his throat, "All right that's all we have for today. Remember tomorrow is our scrimmage in the morning. And Y/N you still aren't well enough for a really game so sit this out and enjoy the fair."

Y/N stares with her mouth open looking completely betrayed. She's recovered enough to practice, but she is still very slow on her direction changes and jumps aren't anything that they used to be.

The team tries to protest on her behalf, she stops them before they get too intense, "I hate admitting it, but Captain's right. I'm still not 100% and could get more injured if I try."

"Wow can you repeat that? I'm not sure you've ever admitted to me being right about something," their captain tease.

Y/N glares back while smirking, "Don't make me take that note back."

Captain stiffens and clears his throat again trying to hide the growing blush, "You heard her. No need for her to strain herself and you all need to rest up for tomorrow so we can really show what we've improved on."

"Yes! Captain!" the team shouts before gathering their things and dispersing.

Y/N gets up and dusts herself off, "So Captain you going to call her or wait till after the scrimmage tomorrow to show off what you can really do?"

The Captain froze knowing theirs no way to hide his red face from her, "I was thinking waiting after the scrimmage."

"Why wait? You may get too distracted and mess up horribly in front of her," Y/N teases.

He becomes nervous not thinking about that possibility. Y/N takes sympathy on her flustered captain and gives him another option.

"You know you could always meet her at the art show in the main courtyard. She mentioned something about going there after our showcase was complete," Y/N speaks in a casual tone trying to hold back the massive smile growing on her face.

The captain is a blushing mess that can't make eye contact with Y/N, "Well the art show did sound interesting maybe I'll go check it out."

"You should," she gives final words of encouragement before leaving her love-sick captain.

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