Negotiations (part 2)

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--- move to a private space in Music Room 3 for Y/N and Kyoya to speak---

3rd Person POV

Y/N hears the door close behind her and immediately tries to take control of the conversation.

"Thank you for meeting with me in private, I feel it is more appropriate handling business one on one rather than with an eclectic audience."

A small smirk appears on Kyoya's lips as he hears Y/N speak before he even turns around from closing the door. She take a seat at one of the two person tables and gesture him to join her.

"Well I'm quite impressed to hear you say that," adding in a pause for affect, "I would have thought this was some kind of ruse half expecting you to leave the moment my back was turned," he insults.

"I do not appreciate this manner of speaking, especially after I came here to face you head on at your own games, Mr. Kyoya Ootori! Son of Yoshio Ootori! Brother to Yuichi, Akito, and Fuyumi Ootori!"

His gaze becomes focused, but not a word is said as he approaches the chair across from Y/Ns.

Y/N notices the moment of hesitation and decides to press on, "you aren't the only one who does research before coming to a school Kyoya-san." Internally Y/N hopes she used '-san' properly since honorifics are not the easiest to get used to.

Y/N continues with a more stern tone, "just because my family is middle class from America it doesn't mean I'm not knowledgeable of Japan or your family's influence. This was the first time I met you in person since we are both second-years in different classrooms and I was caught off guard a bit."

Kyoya realizes this unexpected challenge was caused by his curt words about her family's status from earlier. With this new understanding he regains his initial composure and has a clearer understanding of Y/N's motives, but that doesn't mean he's about to let Y/N control the conversation.

She did say this is my game and I don't plan on losing so easily, Kyoya thinks to himself.

"I will admit I'm impressed, but this won't save you from paying back the Host Club for our losses on that vase. Lucky for you we've experienced similar damages and have made fair arrangements for you to help pay off this debt."

"You are right of course," Y/N states.

Kyoya wasn't expecting Y/N to agree so easily.

Y/N continues with complete focus, "My knowledge on the Japan's leading families with children attending here, especially those believing to be hire standing than everyone else will not resolve this matter." Frustrated that Kyoya keeps assuming things about Y/N and attempting to manipulate her like a puppet, Y/N's voice becomes stern, "my involvement will also not be needed to resolve this."

"How so?" Kyoya is intrigued by Y/N defiance and lack of silliness from earlier.

Taking this opportunity Y/N explains, "You told me this has happened before, as did the twins. So I would think with family backgrounds such as yours, you would know to insure an item of great value like this vase before displaying it so openly with all these guests moving around. So I don't see why I would have to be involved at all since I was here on school grounds for official club activities and this was clear an accident."

Kyoya's eyes narrow for a split second. This change in minor facial expression is not lost on Y/N.

"You make a fair point and it is insured for the market price." Kyoya says.

"See no harm no foul," Y/N becomes a little more cocky and starts losing some of her intensity while leaning back in her chair with a smirk.

Kyoya sees her overconfidence (his term). He stays slack face and calm, but with an authoritative tone, "a lot of what you said is true, but you are missing some details. We will get market value from the insurance, but we planned to auction it off above market value as part of a charity event."

Y/N's mild smirk is lost completely realizing she still does owe a debt especially since this was meant to benefit a charity. Also, the worry of getting in trouble so early into the semester will cause her family to be fuming.

"Well- I- uhh- see the problem." Y/N tries to keep the conversation going so Kyoya doesn't overtake the conversation, now that it is clearly going in his favor.

"We can have you work off your debt as an errand boy or should I say girl," a half chuckle comes from Kyoya causing Y/N to be caught off guard completely losing any train of thought.

"Or you can work as one of our hosts for the next year to pay off this debt," he suggests.

Y/N snaps out of her mild daze hearing she would have to host. Knowing this will ruin practice with the Ultimate Frisbee team. She was finally having fun again and meeting people and refused to give up so easily.

"No!" Y/N states clearly. "I have something else in mind that will work in both our favors."

Y/N abruptly stand from her chair and head to the door. Before exiting she turns back to a clearly irked Kyoya.

"I'll be back soon and settle this debt where both parties benefit." Closing the door quickly behind her and heading straight for the door out of the club. Only to return for a moment to snatch the disc out of one of the twin's hands.

The hosts stare with mouths wide open that she walked out so abruptly. The hosts look back at Kyoya it seems things did not go well in the negotiation and they all disperse trying to not get in his way.

Except Tamaki who tries to 'cheer' him up, "Don't worry my new daughter will return. I'm sure of it!" As Kyoya pushes him away for being too close and clingy.

I'm not so certain she'll be back. She's to erratic to predict, but I suspected some kind of trick to get out of this from the beginning, Kyoya thinks.

A/N: Hope the separation of the intro wasn't too confusing. I wanted to make sure you get an idea of my character changes, OC, and writing style. This chapter was more my twist on the original and felt I needed to separate it out. No defined update schedule yet, but I'm hoping for weekly. As always feedback will help since this is my first fanfic. Thanks for reading so far!

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