Bell of the Ball

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Saturday evening before the ball


"I got a floor length, high-low, light gray dress with intricate dark blue beading on the bodice. The chiffon material made it flow so beautifully with every step. I couldn't believe I found this at a thrift store nearby. The designer is Yuzuha I'll have to find more of her designs," I excitedly explain to my Auntie on the phone.

"Thanks for sending me a car. I wasn't sure how I would get there in these heels... Yes I got my hair done at the salon you recommended. The half up hairdo with braids and flowing curls is gorgeous! I didn't even recognize myself when they put me in front of the mirror."

"Excuse me Miss, but we arrived," the driver explains to me.

"I have to go Auntie. Yes, I'll be back before it gets too late, promise."

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and excitement. "Thank you, for driving me here sir. I should be ready around 11:00."

The driver responds, "Feel free to call me when you want to go, I'll be in the local area. Your Aunt hired me for the whole night, but I'll be here at 11:00 if I don't hear from you."

"Sounds good, thanks," as I slide out of the car before he even got a chance to open it for me properly.

I hear him laugh a little about youth being impatient while I hurry to the main courtyard, probably because I didn't wait for him to come around and open the door like a proper young lady.

"The hosts set all this up," I stare in amazement at the lighting and all the decorations of the courtyard. "They put so much work into this I am impressed."

"It is quite beautiful isn't it," a soft-spoken voice next to me.

She is in a gorgeous blue dress and white shall. A little shorter than me, but most of the girls are.

"It really is and may I say you have the most elegant dress," I hold out my hand to introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Y/N L/N, but feel free to call me Y/N."

I see she hesitates to take my hand. Then I realize, "I'm so sorry, I did the wrong greeting didn't I. Shoot I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you."

She waves her hands in front of her face, "no, no, it caught me off guard. I know who you are and it's a pleasure to meet you. Feel free to call me Kanako."

"Well Kanako should we go in now?"

"Yes, lets go!" Kanako says excitedly.

She acted so nervous before I'm glad she seems happier now. We get a chance to talk for a little before separating. I stumble across the dessert table and can't resist grabbing some of the truffles.

A familiar voice comes up to me, "So you like sweets too?"

"Yes, I do! These truffles are the best I ever had. I've never had a mango flavored one before," I can't hide my excitement with my fellow sweets-fanatic Honey.

"The cakes are even better," as he takes a bite.

"I'll have to try one later thank you for the suggestion," I smile warmly at him, but I get the hint he doesn't recognize me. I can't blame him I barely recognize me.

"Excuse me, but can you tell me where there's tea or water? I could use a drink before I build my courage for the dance floor."

"Oh yes it's along that wall near the staircase," Honey points.

"Thank you very much hope to see you around," I say before taking off.

I'm kind of enjoying getting to blend in with the sea of other guests. There's the drink table all those sweets really made me thirsty.

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