Clear the Air

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Monday after classes

3rd person POV

A/N: If you don't know Ouran academy classes (A/B/C/D) are based on grades and social status, A is the most elite and the class all the hosts are in regardless of year.

How long is she going to stay in class? The bell rang over 10 minutes ago, it's such a nuisance waiting here, Kyoya thinks to himself.

Girls passing in the hall are giggling and whispering about how cool Kyoya is. Questions and gossip about why he's waiting outside of classroom 2-B.

"Do you think he has a girlfriend?" one girl questions.

"No way, not one that would be in class B," the friend retorts.

Kyoya smirks realizing how he would have had the same attitude about lower status and privilege before the start of the semester. How quickly the world can change, he thinks to himself without losing eye contact with the classroom entrance.


Y/N hears the girls in the hall talking about the cool and handsome Kyoya Ootori waiting outside of the hall. Not wanting to deal with him or any other host for awhile she decides to stay in the classroom and work on some of the assignments.

He will go away eventually after school activities start in 30 minutes. He won't be late for the host club, Y/N tries to convince herself.

"Stupid biology!" Y/N shouts in English, slamming her fist on the desk becoming engrossed in her assignment.

"Having that much trouble?" Kyoya asks from the classroom entrance. Arms crossed watching Y/N working on her assignment.

"How long have you been there?" Y/N asks shocked to see he's still around.

"Not that long," Kyoya lies. Noticing she isn't budging from her seat and is keeping all her focus on her notes, he begins to walk towards her.

"Why are you here?" Y/N asks frustrated with the situation. She begins clenching her pencil without looking up, "If you're worried about getting your referrals don't worry I'll make sure you still get your 10 a week. Or at least make up with an extra."

Kyoya sits at the desk in front of Y/N not saying a word. He places an envelope on her desk watching her face closely.

"I see you found my spare bag any chance you brought it back?" Y/N waits a moment for a response, but keeps her eyes on her notes. "So you read it? ... Did everyone read it? If they did I'm sorry I meant to give it to you directly and all the items in the bag too."

She keeps hoping he will say something, but he just remains quiet. "I really didn't mean for them to know about our negotiations. I know I'm a hothead which is why I requested a private room and as you now know family is a sensitive topic."

Y/N doesn't know what else to say and begins packing her bag to leave. "I am sorry Kyoya, I never meant for all this to happen," she says sheepishly.

"You know I've never been given such a peculiar gift before?" Kyoya finally speaks causing Y/N's head to bolt straight up.

"Oh! The shades you mean? Yeah, I figured you would have a new pair of glasses before I could replace them so tried to be a bit more creative in an apology gift."

"They are rather custom considering my glasses are designer," Kyoya hinting at wanting an explanation.

"Ok don't judge me to harshly, I even felt stalkerish doing this," Y/N pauses while laughing inwardly a bit.

Spirit of the Game (OHC fanfiction xReader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang