Host Hopping

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A/N: apologies for the delay in posting I lost this file after I tried to edit it and now only have the original. Hopefully its not too rough to read; sorry couldn't properly edit this time. If its really bad please comment and I'll take time to fix it 

A few days later practice ended earlier


"Y/N-chan!" I hear a familiar voice and small force comes careening into my waist.

The impact from the hug causes me to take a few steps back and my ponytail flies in my face while losing my breath in the process. "Hh-hi Honey-chan. How are you today?"

"I'm doing great! We found that bakery where you got all those cakes from! It is becoming my new favorite," Honey says with the brightest eyes staring in gratitude.

"I'm so glad you like them they are a small mom and pap store. I was like to support them when I can," I explain to him in and Mori, who is now standing next to me.

I feel so small when he does this, but I he gives the most heart-warming smile when he escorts the girls. I see why so many fall for him. Feeling a small blush begin to form on your cheeks. Wait what am I thinking?! Oh please don't see it, its too embarrassing.

He lends me his arm as I grasp it formally with both hands and he walks me to the couch they were seated earlier.

"You're with us today, right?!" Honey confirms with me before proceeding to jump up and down with boundless excitement.

"Yes, if you don't mind," I state

"That is fantastic!" he leaps to the couch across from you next to a few other girls visiting with them.

Seeing how Honey and Mori interact with the other guests had me fascinated. Honey carried most of the conversation which I suspected, but the reactions from the girls when Mori would look in their directions or help Honey in some small manner such as picking up Usa-chan had me in awe. I have to give it to these girls they are in touch with their emotions and enjoying their best lives.

I remained relatively quiet listening to them and enjoying the light-hearted conversations between everyone. Definitely learned a few new fan-girl terms, might have to ask some of the girls at practice later. I hope they don't mean anything too embarrassing or I'm going to have to create a cruel training so they forget my questions and only remember their exhaustion.

Twins pass by starring at me with smug looks on their faces. I should have known better, but the question only slipped out, "What did you two do? Did you cut my ponytail off?" Reaching to the back of my head to make sure I wasn't bald.

"No, we didn't" Kaoru states. "But there's always next time," Hikaru smirk grows to a toothy grin.

"We were just wondering who will be next in your host hoping," they say in unison.

I'm starring them down, "What are you even talking about? Host hopping?"

"I bet it will be Kyoya," Hikaru suggests. "No way, it will be Haruhi for sure," Kaoru conjects.

"I think Tamaki will get another chance," Honey adds in.

The twins and I jaws drop to the floor by Honey's comment.

"See, even Honey thinks you're flirting your way through the hosts," of course Hikaru recovers from shock first.

"Flirting? What? I'm not flirting!" I become defensive

"Then what are you doing here?" Kaoru asks.

"I keep missing my quota for the week and need to fill-in, so Kyoya doesn't increase my debt."

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