Keeping Your Word

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Next day after classes in Music Room 3

3rd person POV

"Welcome girls to the Ouran Host Club!" a voice booms from the entrance as a flood of girls come in.

The hosts seem a bit startled at first but quickly recompose themselves to greet their new guests. Of course Tamaki, Honey, and Mori get swarmed by the majority of the girls. After Haruhi comes out with some coffee they begin to settle down and enjoy the hosts' company.

Y/N smugly is leaning against the entrance seeing that all the girls are enjoying themselves. The added bonus of seeing all the shocked faces of her entrance made her laugh a little. Causing the twins to look up and see she didn't join one of the groups like all the other girls.

"Glad they are having fun," Y/N speaks softly to herself. Y/N is turning to leave after seeing all the girls completely engaged with one host or another.

"Why don't you join them?" Hikaru whispers into Y/N's ear causing her to jump. She turns to respond with a smug comment and comes nose to nose with the twins causing a bright red blush on her cheeks.

Hasn't anyone heard of a personal bubble? These hosts are always so close to me, Y/N thinks to herself.

Noticing Y/N's lack of response, other than her blush. Hikaru and Kaoru take that as an invitation to grab her hands and drag her to one of the couches with them.

"So this is all your doing?" Kaoru asks pointing the girls swarming the other hosts.

Y/N nods slightly before taking a breath to explain. "I promised to find a way to make up the loses for the destroyed vase especially since it was meant for charity. Also I didn't want to have Kyoya holding something over my head forever."

"We never thought you'd come back," Hikaru and Kaoru said in unison.

"I'll admit I debated it at first, but I'm here to make a fresh start. Destroying a valuable vase for an auction isn't a great way to change your ways is it?" Y/N asks rhetorically.

"So you through the disc!" Hikaru shouts in surprise.

"Oh I guess I assumed you knew it was me. Dang it I could have left with out owing anything. If that stupid disc wasn't so important, I would have been free and clear," Y/N says without any presence of sarcasm.

"Wait," Kauro interrupts Y/N before she explains what happened during practice. "You said you need to change your ways?"

"Yeah your right Kauro!" Hikaru catching on to what his brother is implying.

"What did you do?!" they exclaim with bright eyes recognizing a fellow mischief maker in their presence.

"Oh no! I'm not getting into this. I'm too new and the past is behind me for a reason," Y/N states sternly. "I am here to get through school play some sports and get out." She crosses her arms and goes quiet.

Sensing she will be resistant to telling them anything they come up with a plan on the spot.

"What if we convince Kyoya you bringing these girls here more regularly will reduce the loses from the auction we expected to get?"

Y/N uncrosses her arms thinking about what the twins are saying. I never thought of having to do this more than once figured the girls would come back on their own, but it can't hurt to have them on my side to deal with that manipulative, calculating thorn in my side.

"Fine," Y/N huffs

"But we want something out of it too," Kaoru says. "You have to tell us about your old ways and visit us again," Hikaru adds smugly.

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