Haruhi's Natural Charm

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A/N: I was inspired this week and went all out and wrote this massive chapter! Hope you enjoy

Monday after classes


The bell rings startling me out of my thoughts. I wait for the majority of the students to leave before I get up from my seat. I have a crutch to help me get around until my ankle gets stronger.

I can't believe I tore a few ligaments and something called a retinaculum tendon from such a stupid incident, I sigh.

The few lingering classmates try to not directly stare seeing me hobble between the desks before I exit the classroom.
"What happened for her to be so beaten up like that?" one tries to whisper as I walk out the door.

A few 'I don't knows' and one attention seeker begins coming up with their own theory of what happened to me. I choose to not respond I am tired and if they don't want to ask I don't see the point in telling them.

I run into one of my teammates, well more like they sprinted at me probably after hearing about my injury.

"Yyyyyy/n!" she comes to a dead stop in front of me.

"Uh, hi. Why aren't you getting ready for practice?" I ask her.

Panting from her sprint holding her knees trying to catch her breath she bolts straight up after seeing my wrapped foot and crutch.

It causes me to half step back from the odd reaction, "you're going to give me a heart attack what is wrong? Also hold your hands over your head while standing straight you'll get more oxygen to your lungs."

"This is what I was worried about," she is gesturing to me as a whole and adds extra emphasis to my foot.

"What do you mean? Please calm down and explain yourself," I urge.

She turns and grabs my bag off my shoulder to walk alongside me. I smile at her kind gesture as we begin walking down the hall.

"You aren't going to be able to practice, are you?" she asks.

I frown, "No I won't be able to for at least two months. At least according to the doctor"

An awkward silence comes between until we reach a staircase. She looks at me to see if there's a way to help me, but I put my hand up before she can do anything.

"This part I can do, but thank you," I give a small smile.

The pain in my back probably makes me look more injured than I appear since straightening my back can still be painful. As I hold the railing and take a step down and then bring my injured foot next to it. It's a long process down since I'm too stubborn for the elevators.

I brake the silence of us going down the steps slowly, "if I heal enough to start physical therapy I can probably return within six weeks."

I try to reassure her, but she doesn't seem to believe me. I'm glad my ankle is the only visible injury, I can't even imagine her or the teams reactions if they saw the bruise on my back.

Reaching the bottom of the steps I take my bag back, "I'll see you at the start of practice I want to make sure I clear everything up to the team. Don't want any rumors going around."

I smile softly and wave before heading to our practice field. I can tell her spirits are down from our conversation. Hopefully, the rest of the team won't take it so hard.

"Captain!" I shout seeing he is already on the field setting up the cones.

He looks up to see me approaching. No wave, no smile, and no energy in his eyes. He appears to sigh and even his head seems to drop a little.

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