Newspaper Club

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A/N: May have went a little nuts on this one as I've been tending to do a lot lately. Hope you enjoy the extra long chapter! 

Monday after class

3rd POV

"How are they so POPULAR?!" the editor slams his hands on his desk startling his staff.

"Maybe its because they print things other than gossip," one staff member states.

"Yeah that's true they are on their second printing for their calendar," we haven't seen numbers like that since last year.

The two staff members absently minded discuss while the editor's face begins to burn crimson and a vein begins to pulse in his forehead.

"Enough about the host clubs success!" the editor shouts

"I want to know how to take them down and become the most talked about newspaper," he demands

"We could put out our own calendar," a staff member suggests.

"No you idiots," the editor hits both staff members over the head with a rolled up newspaper.

"Ouch!" they say with surprise rubbing their heads from the unexpected strike.

"We are going to do an article on them to expose all their secretes and in turn take down the host club and put the newspaper club on top once again," the editor shouts while standing on his desk.

The staff members smirk, "great idea boss that's sure to work."


Host club is goofing around outside playing soccer with some of their guests. Y/N is watching from the sidelines explaining some of the basics to the more timid girls. They practice passing the ball back and forth while the hosts and some of the guests, boys and girls, start to play an "easy going" game.

"Y/N-chan thank you for practicing with us, but are you sure this won't bother your foot?" one girl asks nervously.

"Not at all. My other foot is fine so long as I don't run, I swear I'm perfectly fine," I give them a warm smile.

The girls squeal from excitement getting to play on the sideline. One of the girls kicks the ball a little out of my reach so I go over to get it reassuring them it's not a problem.

"Take this," Kaoru shouts while kicking the ball as hard as he can

"Hey watch out!" Hikaru shouts

Y/N turns in time to see a ball coming straight at her. She tries to block her face from getting hit with the ball, but she doesn't feel any impact.

When she opens her eyes, she sees Tamaki face planted on the ground. After taking a second to compose herself, Y/N realizes she's being held bridal style off the ground.

"Umm Mori?" Y/N says nervously feeling my face to begin to get warm

Mori responds with a 'hmmm'

Trying to turn her face away so Mori can't see her growing blush, "Thank you Mori-sempai. Can you put me down now?"

Mori gently places Y/N on her feet. Y/N smiles sweetly to Mori for his kindness and amazing reflexes.

"Also, thanks for saving me from that stray ball," she says to Mori while she blushes thinking about being in his muscular arms.

Tamaki frantically gets up and protectively hugs Y/N. Haruhi walks over and picks up the ball.

"Kaoru watch where you are kicking the ball next time. You could have really hurt Y/N!" Haruhi shouts

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