Meet the OHC (part1)

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Y/N point of view

*huck is an ultimate frisbee term for throwing a disc far and quick; sometimes from one end zone to the other. Handlers=main disc throwers, cutters=primarily runners

"Time for huck* drills team! Ladies you get to throw first," our Captain shouts.

"I'll start off! Hope you guys are ready to run!" I proclaim with smugness.

After a few great throws and bullet passes to some of our top runners. I see our Captain is up next and neither of us can resist an opportunity to compete against one another. After all the effort I put into creating this co-ed team I refuse to let him win.

Yes, most of the guys are doing this because they get to flirt with girls as an extracurricular, but this is one sport I've become obsessed with before I had to leave the USA. This was a great opportunity to play again since women sports at schools are pretty limited, it is Ouran Elite Private Academy after all.

"Is that the best you can throw, I thought you used to play in the USA. Are all handlers from there as poor at this as you?" he taunts.

I stare him down with intense focus ready to make him eat those words. I wind up with the perfect movement and strong wrist flick ready to send this flying at my highest speed when I hear...

"Heads up Y/N! Duck!" from the guys who started the drill

With quick reflexes I shift out of the way from the incoming disc only to realize too late that I no longer have the disc in my hand.

A mix of laughter and awes are shared between the team. I realize the laughter is coming from my team seeing our Captains expression as my disc goes flying beyond the field and towards the third floor of one of the school's corridors.

I sigh seeing it fly completely out of sight, that was a new disc too.

"I'll go get it," I announce.  Wanting to leave the fiasco that this practice will surely turn into now that everyone is completely distracted.

--- time skip to Music Room 3 next room on the floor to check for the stray disc ---

I really hope this is the right room how many more do I have to check before I find it. It sounds like there may be someone in there already, I hope I'm not interrupting their club activities.

"Hello? Is anyone in h..." interrupted by panicked girls and yet still so many of them fangirling over a very attractive tall guy. He appears to be pretty fit too, but why so much screaming over a guy?

"My lady no need to be shy stand in the doorway please come in my Princess" a tall blonde guy with the most extraordinary violet eyes guides me into the room.

I'm completely caught of guard and blushing like an idiot. Feeling completely under dressed in my workout clothes while being held in this Adonis's arm. I say the first thing that comes to mind "Do I know you?"

A slight pitiful look appears on his face, but quickly recovers, "maybe you've seen me in your dreams?"

"No, I think we may be in the same grade together?" as I hear mischievous laughter beside me. I see twins appear from nowhere, standing on either side of me.

"I haven't seen the boss's charms fail so miserably before" one states. "Yeah, he must be losing his touch," the other chimes in.

Seeing the blonde's sad state I try to go over and comfort him, but am interrupted by yet another tall guy with dark hair, a serious expression, and a notebook that he's being writing in continuously without looking up.

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