Convention with Haruhi (Part 1)

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Early morning, day of the convention


"Thanks Haruhi I've always heard about this convention, but never had a chance to come from my past visits to Japan!" I beam with excitement to finally be here.

"Is it really that exciting?" Haruhi questions a little embarrassed

"Yes! It is incredible!" I can't contain my excitement and start getting by standers to stare in our direction.

"Where else can you find so many unique items and foods?!" I question.

"On top of that it only happens one weekend a year!" I continue.

"Ok. Ok, I get it your excited but we better start moving, or we will never see everything," Haruhi breaks me from my fantasizing wonder.

"Oh my gosh you are right! Let's move!" I point forward dramatically and then begin to hobble on my crutches through the crowd.

Stupid crutches are going to slow me down, but if I don't use them from the start, I'll be too tired to make it the whole day. I will not let this slow Haruhi and I! I try to remind myself while mentally thrusting my fist in the air.

"Want to check out the kitchen and packaged food areas next?" Haruhi asks trying to set us in the right direction.

"Sounds like a plan! Let's go! I can't wait to see what treats they have!" I cheer at the though of food.

We go up to the elevator to the next level to see what other shops have to fill my backpack. We get to the top and hear a child scream. Our attention is instantly drawn to the commotion.

"Is that Kyoya?" I ask Haruhi

She nods with her jaw dropped probably because we've never seen him dressed so casually before and basically just terrified a child from his glare alone. I completely understand being intimidated by his stares.

"Should we go over?" I try to break her from the initial shock.

Haruhi only nods her head, but it also looks like she was strongly debating turning around and going down the escalator again. We head towards him none the less.

"Hi Kyoya," I greet.

Kyoya only glares in our direction as if he is ready to kill someone one. Haruhi and I shiver at the sight.

"What are you doing here?" Haruhi asks

With anger spilling off him in waves, "Tamaki dragged me here."

"I see," Haruhi and I nervously say together.

With darkness still surrounding him, "How much money do you have?"

We deadpan stare at Kyoya not expecting such a crude question.

I respond, "Uh-hhh, some. Why?"

"Food," is all he says while starring without even blinking.

Haruhi sounds a little shaky, "That works out. Y/N was just talking about wanting to get food. And I want to see some of the other floors anyway."

"Good let's go Y/N," Kyoya says as he begins walking

I stare at her with my eyes bulging out of my head, you've betrayed me Haruhi! I can't believe you threw me under the bus like that.

Seeing him walk away I begin to follow, but not before giving a death glare to Haruhi. She adds insult to injury as she waves and smiles to us disappearing into the rest of the crowd.

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