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 3 years later in downtown Boston (city in USA)

"Haruhi! Tamaki there you are!" Y/N shouts waving her hands wildly to the get their attention from the rest of the crowd.

"Y/N you are making a scene," Kyoya informs her while pinching the bridge of his nose.

Y/N looks at him in confusion then bursts out laughing seeing everyone staring. She grabs Kyoya's hand and pulls him through the crowd to meet up with their friends.

"Y/N! Kyoya! Kyoya you really came!" Tamaki shouts gaining the attention from everyone around.

Kyoya sighs, "Why are you two so alike?"

Y/N sticks her tongue out at him not paying any mind to the comparison. She considers it a compliment. They all meet up together at the ice rink downtown. Finals have completed and they all have some time before going on holiday.

"How did you convince him to come to this?" Haruhi asks.

Tamaki laughs, "Yeah I thought he would be too busy studying for next semester to come out and have fun with his friends."

Y/N looks at them in confusion, "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I have my fiancé come with me?"

"YOUR WHAT?!" Haruhi and Tamaki shout in unison.

Y/N chuckles holding out her hand. Kyoya sighs debating if he should have waited until after this outing.

Tamaki begins pouting, "I can't believe you didn't tell me you two were together. I feel so betrayed."

Kyoya hits Tamaki upside the head, "It only happened a few hours ago."

Haruhi and Y/N are admiring the beautiful ring not paying any attention to the guys.

"Why didn't you tell us immediately? I can't believe you left us out of your proposal! What if you needed someone their to comfort you if she said no!" Tamaki continues his fanciful ideas of how he should have been a part of the proposal.

"I'm so happy for you two! Have you planned anything out yet?" Haruhi asks

Y/N and Kyoya share a look and then smile.

"Yes actually. We wanted to ask if you would be our best man and maid of honor in our wedding?" Y/N asks

"We would-" Haruhi tries to speak

Tamaki embraces both of them in a bone crushing hug with tears flowing, "Of course we will!"

"Great now put us down, Tamaki," Kyoya breathes out.

Tamaki is a hysterical mess. Haruhi tries to comfort him. Y/N leans into Kyoya and grabs his hand.

"I told you he would be the ecstatic for us," Y/N begins to laugh.

"I suppose he will do well in helping with the wedding planning. I'm just glad I get Haruhi as a best man," Kyoya smirks.

Tamaki goes pale hearing these words, "What do you mean Haruhi is your best man?"

"What you thought I'd choose you?" Kyoya keeps a stone face serious expression.

Haruhi whispers to Y/N, "Am I really the best man?"

"No, but I had to agree to this so that I could tell you guys right away," Y/N takes a moment to watch the new emotionally hysterical Tamaki. "And I have to admit to Kyoya this kind of makes the proposal even more memorable."

Haruhi nods her head in agreement, "So you really haven't told anyone else?"

Y/N thinks on it a moment, "Well the only family I want to know right away would be my brother and Auntie. Looking back on my conversations with them last week I think they already know."

"Why do you say that?" Haruhi asks.

Y/N chuckles, "I asked Auntie if we could stay at her summer home in Switzerland this spring. She says its mine for any planning I need to make."

Haruhi laughs at Y/N missing that big flag.

Y/N continues, "Yes I completely missed that. I assumed she meant it in relation to me starting to help take over the electronics business while also getting to build my own entrepreneur business. I'm so dense."

Haruhi pats her on the back while laughing at how much has changed for Y/N she misses the most obvious thinks now. Y/N shakes her head also thinking about how vastly different her life is now.

"Want to get inline for the tickets since I don't think those two will be moving any time soon," Haruhi questions.

Y/N nods her head before they get in line for their tickets to the ice rink. Leaving the boys to continue their dramatic conversation. That is gaining more attention that Y/N's and Tamaki's initial greetings.

Kyoya looks back to Y/N and gives her a genuine smile until Tamaki pounces on him crying about not being his best man and making Kyoya nearly lose balance. Y/N smiles brightly at her friends and new fiancé.

A/N: Well, that is it! I have officially completed my first story/fanfiction!!! Thanks for sticking with me through its creation.

I want to write stories that are entertaining and well-polished, but I also want to make sure I keep writing new things so I can improve and tryout different genres.

I haven't received much interest on this story so for now I'm going to leave it unedited and continue working on other stories. If I find out there is enough interest later on, I'd be willing to go back and edit the story properly.

Thanks reader it has been great! Hope you enjoyed this completed series 😊

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