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We were taken to the hospital to treat our injuries. We were also told that our names would not be mentioned in this case and all the credit will be given to Endeavour because we broke the law. We fought a villain without our professional license and without a pro hero supervision. We retorted at first but eventually agreed. I had talked to Grandma and I told her everything. She said she was proud of me and there was no need for me to come back there. She had teleported my stuff back to Dad with her quirk. The four of us shared a hospital room and I told them about my quirk and introduced them to Scarlet. They were amazed and got along with Scar very quickly, especially Zuku. They both have become like best friends! Right now, Iida had gone for a treatment and Zuku was talking to Ochako outside leaving me and Sho alone in the room.(That didn't come out right but eh..)

"Thank you Y/N, for helping me fight Stain." Sho said suddenly smiling at me.

"Don't be an idiot.... friends help each other out plus I had a score to settle with him so I came."

Suddenly, the door opened and Zuku came in smiling like an idiot and muttering to himself.

"Woah there lover boy, you can stop smiling now" I said laughing, Sho joining in, leaving Zuku flustered.

"N-No...i-it's just that she was worried..a-and she said she misses me so..."Zuku said rubbing his neck.

"Right....OH MY GOD!!" I shouted realizing that I hadn't talked to Katsuki for two days and he must be freaking out right now

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Sho and Zuku asked running to my side, just as my phone rang showing that Katsuki was video calling.

"This," I said as Zuku sat beside me and I answered the call.

"WOLFIE!!!WHERE THE HE-" He yelled but stopped when he looked at the screen. I had a bandage wrapped around my head a nd a patch on my cheek and Zuku had an arm around me which was bandaged.

"Hey Katsuki/Kacchan" We said laughing nervously. God he is gonna kill us.


"Wait babe...it's fine. We are fine.... We are in the Hosu hospital and no need to come here, we are getting discharged tomorrow morning. We had a fight with the Hero killer, well Zuku, So and Iida were fighting him first I joined later. I had to fight because I had a score to settle...He was the one who killed my family," I said choking up a bit with Zuku rubbing my back calming me down.

"Shit, I am sorry Y/N. Ok fine I won't come there, but please tell me you guys are fine." He said.

"Yes Kacchan we are fine...and don't worry I will personally see to it that Y/N reaches home healthy and safe," Zuku said smiling to which I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Okay nerd, drop her home safe and babe.." He said smiling at me which made my heart race like a bullet train," I love you and please take care." I blushed hard but smiled and nodded saying," I love you too. Bye Katsuki!" i said waving and cutting the call

"Now who is the Lover Girl?" Zuku asked nudging me with his elbow. We laughed as the door opened to reveal a very serious Iida.

"Hey Prez why the long face?" I asked as Iida sat on his bed staring at his arm.

"I just finished my examinations but.... my left hand might have some after effects," He said making me and Zuku gasp in worry," Both of my arms were injured, but the damage to the left side was severe. An area called brachial plexus was damaged. But there is only going to be difficulty in moving my hands and fingers, and I'll have a little numbness. It's possible to heal it with a nerve grafting surgery." He said looking down. We both stood up and walked to him as he continued speaking," When I found Hero Killer, I couldn't think at all. I should have told Manual first. But I lost myself in the moment of anger. I hate him, but what he said to me was true. So until I become a real hero, I'm going to leave this arm the way it is." He said.

"Iida..." Sho said. If only I had noticed this wouldn't have happened. No, he said he will be fine, it would be rude of me to apologize.

"Iida, I am the same way too," Zuku said showing his hand to which I nodded and showed my hand which was scarred due to the sports festival fights.

"Yes, me too. This hand will serve as a warning." I said.

"Together....let's become stronger," Zuku said holding out his fist. Iida and I both nodded.

"I'm....sorry..." Sho said suddenly. We turned around to him confused.

"For what?" Zuku asked. "Yeah, IcyHot why are you apologizing?" I asked slapping his head.

"IcyHot? Wha- well, it seems like whenever I'm involved, someone's hand becomes injured." He said with a guilt stricken expression staring at his hand.

"Huh?" We replied. "Is it a curse?" He asked. We all started laughing loudly.

"Todoroki, you can tell jokes, huh?" Zuku asked laughing.

"It's not a joke. I am becoming a hand crusher!" He said, which made me fall on the floor and laugh out.

"God IcyHot you are killing me!" I said laughing loudly with tears coming out of my eyes.

"HANDCRUSHER!!" Zuku and Iida yelled laughing loudly.

~~TIMESKIP(bought to you by Kirishima's crocs;^)~~

I had accompanied Zuku to Grandpa's house and stayed there for one more day. Today we were leaving to back home. As we were leaving, I gave Gramps a hug and he lectured Deku for another five minutes before finally letting us go.

"Zuku... I am gonna change my hero name," I said suddenly out of the blue.

"Huh? really? Why? I quite like your current hero name," He said looking confused.

"Well, now that I have unleashed my true power and met Scarlet.... I decided well we decided to change our hero name and keep a name as a tribute to the origin of our power," I said.

"Okay, so what did you and Scarlet decide?" Zuku asked.

'READY SCAR?' I asked her as I walked a bit ahead and turned around as Scar and I spoke both at the same time our eyes becoming a mix of e/c and scarlet color.

"THE ALPHA LUNA HERO: ARTEMIS!" We said leaving Zuku speechless.

"Wow....that's....AWESOME!!! I LOVE THAT NAME. GREAT IDEA Y/N! AND SCARLET!!"He said running up and hugging me. I laughed and ruffled his hair.

"Also, one more thing Zuku, I told this to Sho and Iida also before leaving....Don't mention about Scar to anyone yet. I want to surprise everyone. Not even Katsuki!" I said. He just smiled and nodded.

"Come on, lets go home," I said taking his hand and running to the train station.

All right! Two chapters in two days, not bad. But I might take a week more due to exams so sorry about that. Next chapter will be a special episode. Any suggestions? Please comment your ideas below. Thank you for your love and support. Keep voting and stay safe! Peace out!✌✌

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