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Okay so... I have a habit of listening to music while reading or writing any story. So I thought of putting all my playlist songs in each chapter, just a song to fill your ears while reading my crappy story!! Okay back to the story....  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


As soon as I asked him the question, the expression on Dad's face dropped and he just sighed while ruffling his hair as Katsuki and I stared at him confused.

"She finally summoned you huh? Well, I should have expected this to happen after the sports festival." He said looking at the list of names and going into deep thought.

"Who is she? You know her? Come on Dad, answer me!!" I said shaking him out of his thoughts.

"Come with me, kitten. We need to talk. You too Bakugo, cause I know you wouldn't let her go till she answers your questions so you can, as well, just hear them from me." Dad said and led us to a lounge room. As we sat down, Dad went to his sleeping bag and took out a small box and a few photos. He placed it in front of me and motioned me to look at them. I took the photos in my hand and saw it was the pictures of me and my parents from the time before I had gotten my quirk.

 I took the photos in my hand and saw it was the pictures of me and my parents from the time before I had gotten my quirk

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I put down the pictures and went for the box

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I put down the pictures and went for the box. My hands were shaking, and Katsuki was hugging me from behind sending me a warm feeling, calming me down. I opened the box to see a scroll. Katsuki put his chin on your shoulder to read the scroll with you still hugging you from behind.

Dear Shota, you have always been there for me and Yuki. I am writing this letter to you, to ask you a favor and that is if something happens to me and Yuki, then please take in Rin and Y/N. Raise them like your own kids, make them strong heroes like their parents. Never let them feel that they were not loved. Show this only when the kids are summoned by their grandmother, Nagisa L/N. Either of the kids will be Yuki's successor and Mom will summon him/her when she thinks that they are ready to know about their truth. When you show them this letter, please tell them about their parents and the reason why you have been raising them. Thank you for everything, Shota. Tell the kids that we love them and will always be looking at them and that we are proud of them.

As soon as I finished reading the letter, I realized that I was crying. Katsuki pulled me on his lap, hugging me tightly and rocking back and forth whispering sweet words in my ear, trying to calm me down. After I calmed down, I sat beside Katsuki who held my hand. I looked at my father who had a sad look on his face. He understood what I wanted and just nodded before speaking.

"Your real name, Y/N L/N. Your mother, Yuki L/N and father, Natsu L/N. They were known as the wonder duo and were together the second top hero after All Might. Your Dad is my childhood best friend and your mother was always like a sister to me, so naturally I grew fond of their kids. Your parents were assassinated in their own house. You were sleeping at my place that day cause you loved hanging out with me and Mic. When I came to know about the news, I ran to your house to see your Dad holding this box dead on the floor along with your mother. You were not so aware of your surroundings, so after reading his letter, I decided that I will raise you and treat you like my own daughter." Dad said looking at me with sadness but also love in his eyes. I couldn't believe my ears.

"Uh.. Dad. Who is Rin? And I am Mom's successor? And why is my grandmother summoning me?" I asked breaking down a little. Katsu squeezed my hand.

"About being your Mom's successor and your grandmother summoning is linked. I don't know about that much. Rin was your twin brother." He said looking away from me.

"W-wha? Twin brother? And why did you use past tense. Where is Rin right now? And why don't I know about by twin brother!!" I asked yelling a bit, shocking both my Dad and Katsuki.

"He was there the day your parents died. He was sleeping in his room and was also killed by the villains. You only survived because you were at my place and the assassins didn't know about the kids. They only found him because he came down after hearing the commotion down and was found my the assassins." Dad said. All I could do was stare at him listening to my own heart beat increasing. I had a twin brother and he was killed.

"It should also have been me. Why was I not there with my brother and my parents. What did i do to survive and they died!!" I screamed holding my hair. Katsuki and Dad hugged me tightly while I just screamed and cried. 

"You idiot! It's not your fault that your parents died. It was just, that you were not there at that time. Your parents knew this might happen that's why they wrote this letter to Aizawa-sensei!" Katsuki said stroking my hair. 

"Yes kitten.  It's not your fault, please don't blame yourself." My Dad said wiping my tears away with his thumb.

"Dad? Who killed my parents and my brother?" I asked looking at him.

"I don't know kitten. We never came to know about it. Just by looking at the marks on their bodies we could say that the killer used a sword and knives." Dad said.(Yes, you guessed it right!)

"Guess the only way to find out is to go see my grandmother. Wait where is she?" I said looking at my internship list: NAGISA L/N, CRESCENT MOON MOUNTAIN, KYUSHU.

"I am coming with you!" Katsuki said. I just smiled at him while nodding sideways saying," No Katsuki! You have an internship of your own. Go to Uncle Jeanist! Plus I will be fine, don't worry." He seemed to understand and just nodded.  

"Wish I could come with you, but I have a kid to intern" Dad said. "Who? Shinso?" I asked jokingly.

"Yes" he said which caught me off-guard. " He is going to become my brother isn't he?" I asked laughing at the similarity between him and Dad. My Dad just glared at me and said to go home and pack for my trip. Katsuki and I left and he insisted on staying over, but I refused and asked him to spend some time with his parents before leaving for a two week internship and to get a proper rest. He argued but finally agreed, not before dropping me off at my house. I packed my bag, taking all the necessary items I would be needing.

'I can't wait to meet my grandmother and know my truth. Crescent Moon Mountains! Here I come.' I thought before falling into a deep sleep.

And there now you know what your past is but not fully. I can't wait to write the next few chapters! It's going to be awesome. Hope you guys are liking my story line. Love you guys and keep commenting and voting my chapters. Peace out!!✌✌✌

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