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Y/N's POV:

Chisaki had somehow merged Eri and was trying to get away by making a pillar and escaping from the hole in the ceiling. Zuku was on my back as Scar kept dodging the spikes as we tried to reach them when suddenly we saw a yellow light from top and Eri had detached herself while trying to grab Senpai's cape. I was distracted by that when suddenly one of the spikes impaled my side and we began to fall.

"Oww... Zuku please go and save her," I said as he jumped off me and Ryuku caught me, which was difficult for her cause she was also injured.

~Time Skip~

Zuku was fighting Chisaki, while Dad, I, and Sir Nighteye were carried to the top by Ochako, Tsu, and Ryuku.

Deku was standing with Eri on his back while Chisaki was unconscious, which was shocking cause Uncle had seen that Zuku was gonna die. Guess he really did smash that future.

"How is that possible? I had seen that after coming to the top, Deku will die while Chisaki will get away. He really changed the future," Uncle said but suddenly we heard Zuku screaming as Eri was losing control of her quirk. Chisaki extended his big hand but due to her quirk, He and the guy he merged with came apart as Ochako quickly grabbed Chisaki who had again lost consciousness.

I saw Dad asking Tsu to lift his head, which she did and he erased Eri's quirk as she stopped and fell unconscious on Zuku, I smiled and darkness took over.

~ Outside the Yakuza Facility ~

Deku's POV:

I was standing with Ryuku looking around to find Y/N as she talked with the officers.

"Officers please call ambulances for the injured and search for the LOV." Ryukyu said.

"Yes Ma'am!" Officers said.

"Detective?" Officer Dai Chi said.

"Yes officer Dai Chi?" The detective asked.

"Villains Toga and Twice managed to escape but all eleven members of the Yakuza have been arrested." He said.

"I see, anything else to report officer Dai Chi?" He asked.

"The ambulances have arrived and are taking the injured heroes and Eri to the hospital." He said.

"Very good. You're dismissed Officer Dai Chi." He said with a smile.

"Excuse me Ma'am may l borrow Deku for a second it's important."He asked.

"Of course." She said.

"Everything okay Officer?" I asked.

"No everything's not okay Deku it's about Artemis," He said to me.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"She was seriously injured with the spikes and has lost a lot of blood, she's being loaded on an ambulance as we speak would you like to ride along with her?" He asked me.

"Yes please, thank you Officer can you give me a minute?" I asked.

"Take your time, and meet me by the ambulance." He said walking away.

"Hey babe, everything alright?" Ocha asked with worried eyes as I approached them

"No, it's Y/N and we're going to the hospital, Tsu can you call Kacchan for me and ask him to come to the hospital and Ocha can you come with me to the hospital."

"Sure," They said and Ocha and I went towards the ambulance.

"Ready to go?" Ocha asked.

"Yes Officer," I said as I and Ocha boarded the ambulance.

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