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Our two day break was over and we were back to our regular routine. Zuku and I were discussing my training routine while Katsu was listening keeping a straight face sometimes giving his opinions in between. Everyone was saying how many people had stopped them to compliment them about the sports festival. Iida was present talking to Ochako. He had a smile on his face, but I knew he was upset, as his brother was brutally injured by the Hero Killer.

"HEY CLASS REP!! IT'S ALMOST 8:30 AND NO ONE IS IN THEIR SEATS!! AND KATSUKI HAS HIS FEET ON THE DESK!!"I yelled trying to bring our annoying class rep back. After that there was no stop to his ranting and everyone, even Katsu, glared at me, but I just shrugged and laughed.

"Everyone in their seat ,"Dad said as he entered the class and stood at his desk," Good Morning. Todays Hero Informative class is extra special." Everyone tensed, wondering if by special he means test or assignments.

"Code names. You will decide your hero names. "Dad said. 

Everyone cheered and Dad activated his quirk making everyone quiet in a few seconds.

"This is related to the pro hero drafts picks I mentioned the other day. The drafts begin in the early second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros. These offers often die if they lose interest by graduation." He said

"So we have to prove ourselves to them once we are picked right?" Tooru asked.

" That's right. And here are the total of these offers." Dad said and pressed the button on a remote which instantly displayed our names with the number of offers we got with Todo on the top with 4123 offers and Katsuki and me with the offers 3556 and 3558.

"Ha! I got more than you." I teased him, which pissed him off but the look on Zuku's face made me look at the screen to see that he didn't get any offers. Everyone almost got offers but the gap between us top three and the others was quite large.

"Todoroki first, Y/N second and Bakugo third? It's the total opposite of the sports festival rank." Jiro said

"Some people are too scared to ask the two people who were restrained on the podium." Sero said which pissed me and Katsuki.

" What are the pros scared of?!" We both shouted at once glaring at Sero.

"Midoriya!! You didn't get any!!" Mineta said," They are scared of the crazy way you were fighting." That's not fair!!

"Keeping this in mind, whether you got offer or not, you will be going for internships with the pros. Well, those hero names are still temporary, but if you're not serious about it....." He was cutoff by Aunt Midnight who bursted through the door yelling," .....YOU'LL HAVE HELL TO PAY LATER!! AND SO WILL YOU!! IT'S TIME TO DECIDE YOUR HERO NAMES!!"

"Midnight will take from here and I have nothing to do. I am not interested in such things." Dad said taking out his yellow sleeping bag.

"Yeah, no wonder Uncle Mic was the one who gave you your hero name. All you like to do is sleep and rest your lazy ass." I said smirking at my Dad who glared at me and went to sleep.

We were given boards to write on along with a marker. Katsuki already started writing something while I thought what would suit me....but was bought out of my trance when Aunt Midnight spoke.

" Okay, let's start presenting name starting with those who are ready." Aunt said. We have to present? Man, that will take some nerve. Aoyama went up first with his signature smile.

" Here I go.... Shining Hero: I cannot stop twinkling!! Which means you can not stop my sparkles." He said raising his board above his head.

'It's a sentence!!' We all thought.

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