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It took only 15 minutes for us to reach Hosu, and when we reached the edge of the hill which overlooked the whole city, the sight was disturbing. The whole city was on fire, and filled with those nomu creatures from USJ. 

'What are those Y/N?' Scarlet asked with a disgust in her tone.

"Those are nomus, created by the league of villains I had mentioned before. Let's try not to engage with them as much as possible. And remember, Zero! We are her to avenge not murder."

'Yes Y/N. I know, but just in case I lose myself don't hesitate to scream and slap me out of my senses.' She said. I had took out a beanie that I had borrowed from Zuku and made Scarlet get the smell and we were now running towards the place from where Zuku sent the location.

We ran through many alleys trying to hide from the public and nomus. As we were turning a corner, we paused cause the scene in front was too much to take. Iida was lying in a pool of his blood with knifes stuck in his arms, Zuku was lying in a corner unable to move and one more hero was sitting on top of the ice build by Shoto who was trying to keep Stain busy.

'That's him.... God I want to kill him!!' Scarlet said with a growl escaping her mouth.

"Calm down, Scar. Remember Zero. No murder just fuck him up. Now come on let's help Sho scorch that bastard." I said as our white fur started burning and being covered in blue flames and we ran towards the battle. As Shoto sent his flames towards Satin Scar sent a huge flame of blue flame towards him as well, burning him in the process. All eyes on us I jumped over Stain and stood next to Shoto.


"Y/N?" Shoto, Zuku and Iida asked at the same time

Before I could reply Stain sent a sent of blades towards us which grazed my cheek and stain was gonna lick my cheek but we caught him by our teeth and threw him at the wall.

"Ah... the daughter of the other wolf hero who I had killed. So you are the one who got spared huh? The look on your brothers face was priceless though. The only name on all the three of your family's name was yours as they were dying, man it was such an awesome sight." Stain said chuckling with an evil smirk on his face.

'OH NOW HE HAS CROSSED THE LINE! I AM GONNA KILL HIM Y/N!!' Scar yelled, but I held her back and took over but still in our wolf form.

"Well, I was lucky I guess and I think it was Artemis's plan to keep me alive so that I can avenge my parents death and fuck you up. I am not a murderer like you but I am warning you I am much stronger than everyone here cause..." Scarlet and myself said together as our eyes turned a mix of e/c and scarlet with our white fur glowing," I am the legendary white wolf, the direct descendant of the moon goddess Artemis with a control over the four main elements of nature!!" A gasp escaped Zuku's mouth as Shoto and I sent flames and ice blocks towards Stain.

Suddenly Zuku ran across smashing his fist in stain's face yelling," I can move again!!" and stood next to me.

"But you were attacked the last how come Iida and Native can't move yet?" Shoto asked.

"There are three possibilities: First more the victims, less the effect timing. Second: Amount of blood intake or... third: Blood type. I am O positive" Zuku said.

"I am A positive" Iida said. " I am B positive" Native said.

"Yes, you figured it out. It's blood type. Effect time least in the order O then A then B and finally Ab. But that doesn't stop me from killing you hero pretenders," Stain yelled sending various blades towards us, some grazing my forehead.

The Wolf and The Hedgehogحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن