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I had been treated and only had a bandage around my head and my arms. Grandma overused her quirk on me, guess she does favoritism in my case. After I was able to walk again I went and sat with Zuku who was still recovering. I fed him the apples that his mom left for him.

"I hope...Kota is alright," Zuku said and I just nodded. We heard a knock before the door slid opened and Kaminari and the rest of the class who survived walked in.

"Midoriya!Y/N! You are awake! Did you see the news? The media is totally against U.A." Kaminari said.

"We have melon! We bought it together! We got a big melon!" Mineta said.

"Sorry for the trouble, both of you," Tokoyami said.

"We are too," We both said. "Is everyone here from Class A?" I asked

"No. Jiro and Hagakure have yet to recover from the villain's gas attack. And Momo had a severe concussion from the attack and is recovering." Iida said.

"She gained consciousness yesterday," Shoto said with a sad look.

"Sho..." I said giving him a sad look.

"Other than those three everyone is here," Iida said.

"Sixteen of us..." Ochako said sadly.

"Bakugo isn't here," Sho said. As soon as he said his name, tears welled up in Zuku and my eyes.

"All Might once said that... You cannot save people who are out of your reach," Zuku said and I understood what he was gonna say next.

"That's why we should save everyone within our reach," I started speaking as Zuku started crying," We both were in a position where we could reach him. We had to reach him...Our quirks are for that purpose."

"It's like Aizawa sensei said... You save one person and become useless. My body wouldn't move. I was so focused on saving Kota that I couldn't save the person who was right in front of me." Zuku said crying.

"Even me, I could have saved him...I mean why were Scar and I training so much when we couldn't even save our soulmate. He was right there in front of me and I couldn't save him," I said crying.

"Then, let's save him now," Kiri said suddenly. "Huh?" The class replied as we both stopped crying and looked at Kiri.

"To tell you the truth, Todoroki and I came here yesterday, too. While walking to Midoriya's room, we saw All Might and a police officer talking to Momo and heard that she had attached a tracking device to one of the villains who escaped and gave a receiver to All Might."

"Don't tell me you want to have Momo make another receiver," Iida asked.

"What if I do?" Sho replied with a serious face. Iida gritted his teeth and thought for a while.

"IT'S LIKE ALL MIGHT SAID.." He suddenly started yelling taking everyone by surprise," WE SHOULD LEAVE IT TO THE PROS! IT'S NOT OUR PLACE TO ACT, FOOLS!"

"I KNOW!" Kiri said with a guilt-stricken face," But I couldn't do anything. After hearing that my friend is the target, I couldn't do anything! I didn't do anything! IF I DON'T ACT NOW, I CANNOT LIVE ANY LONGER LIKE A MAN, MORE LESS, LIKE A HERO!" He exclaimed.

"You know...Iida is right," Tsuyu said.

"Iida and everyone are right...I know that. However, Zuku! Y/N! We can still reach him! We can save him!" He said extending a hand towards us.

 "Okay so, let me get this straight," Mina said looking at her boyfriend with worry, "You want Momo to make another receiver, follow the signal, and save Bakugo by yourselves?"

"That's right" "Villains objective was to kill us, but they took Bakugo without killing him," Sho said looking at Iida," But we are not sure they will let him live. Kirishima and I are going."

I was hearing everyone's comments as they opposed Kiri's idea and was trying not to shout but what Tsuyu said next couldn't make me sit quietly.

"Everyone's shocked that Bakugo got kidnapped. But we need to think things through. even, if you think it's the right thing to do, if you decide to fight and break the rules again, you'll just be like villains." Tsuyu said

"Are you even listening to what you are saying Tsuyu?" I asked taking everyone by surprise as I was quiet the whole time, "Villains? Villains fight and break the rules to do bad things, to hurt people, and to create chaos for their own selfish greed. I agree that we shouldn't break the rules but we can't just sit here doing nothing. If it was one of your partners who got kidnapped instead of Katsu would you sit around doing nothing? I don't think so... So, FUCK THE RULES! IF I AM GETTING A CHANCE TO SAVE MY MATE I AM IN!" I said as everyone stood silently until the door opened and the doctor entered.

"Sorry, but it's time for Midoriya's examination," He said as the class started leaving. I walked with Kiri who suddenly stopped and turned towards Deku saying," I spoke with Momo yesterday. She said if we are doing it, we have to do it tonight. I don't know if you will be able to move with those injuries but, I'm inviting you anyway. Cause' you are the one who is most frustrated other than Y/N. We'll be waiting for you tonight, in front of the hospital." Kiri said turning towards me. The doctor handed me and Zuku a sheet of paper each before taking Zuku for his medical exam.

Once, I reached back to my room, I sat on the bed and opened the letter. It was from Kota.

"To Y/N, sorry for causing you so much trouble. I hope you are doing well, I wrote one to Mr.Midoriya also. Thank you for saving me, please get well soon, so I can thank you in person. Your cousin, Kota." As I finished reading the I started crying, as Scar whimpered. She was still healing and would take at least a few days to be completely healed. I looked out the window to see the sun getting down. I changed into my clothes and walked out of my room towards the spot where we were meeting.

'I am coming Katsuki, I will save you. Just hang in there'

And that's all for today folks. Let's save our soulmate! The next one is a big chapter1 Hope you guys are liking it! Thank you for the 9K views. Love you guys! Peace out!✌✌✌

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