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The training days are over and now comes the exam day! We were all standing outside the license center, waiting for our orders.

"Umm... I'm getting nervous!" Jiro said.

"I wonder what we will have to do...uh... I wonder if I will be able to get the provisional license or not," Mineta said genuinely worried. I walked up to him and crouched down to his level, taking him by surprise.

"Mineta. Don't wonder. Just get it!" I said keeping a smile on my face.

"O-of course!" He said getting excited, as I walked back to Katsuki.

"You had to give him advice?" Katsu asked.

"Come on, I know he is a perverted grape but he is also our classmate," I said holding his arm.

"If you pass the test and get the provisional license, then you hero-eggs will become chicks hatching into semi-pros. Do your best!" Dad said.

"All right, let's become chicks!" Kaminari said and I wheezed," Not literally, Dunce face."

"You know, Bakugo is really rubbing off on you," Kiri said. 

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I said as Katsuki ruffled my hair and smirked.

"ALL RIGHT LET'S GO WITH THE USUAL...PLUS ULTRA!" We yelled but a bald guy also joined us. It was a guy from Shiketsu High.

"It's not good to barge in on other people's huddles, Inasa," A weird purple-haired guy said from behind him.

"Whoops! I am...truly...very...sorry!" Inasa said bowing down so low he hit his head on the ground.

"Jeez, Man! Calm Down!" I said backing away.

"What's with this guy and his unriled enthusiasm?" Denki asked.

"Wait those uniforms..."Jiro said, "The famous school from the west."

"U.A. in the East, Shiketsu in the West!" Katsuki said. They went away as Dad just stared at them

"Inasa Yoarashi..." He said.

"Dad, you know him?" I asked.

"That guy is strong. Last year when you enrolled, he got the top score in the entrance exam, but for some reason, he turned it down."

"He is a first-year?" Zuku asked and looked at Sho, mostly thinking that if he is stronger than Shoto.

"I don't get it. He says he loves U.A but then doesn't enroll," Sero said.

"Yeah he is weird," Mina said.

"He may be weird, but he is the real deal. Keep an eye on him." Dad said when suddenly...

"Eraser! Oh it's you, Eraser!" I heard a very familiar voice and ran and stood in front of Dad.

"Nope, not again," I said as a green-haired lady walked to us. Aunt Joke.

"I've seen you on TV and sports festival, but it's been a while seeing you in person. And Y/N, as protective and cute as ever." She said walking up to us.

"What do you want Aunt Joke?" I asked as she smiled at Dad

"Let's get married and Y/N start calling me Mom, already." She said.

"No." We both said together.

"No? That's funny..." "As always it's hard to talk to you Aunt Joke," I said as Zuku started rambling like a fanboy and Katsuki had to shut him up.

"You seem to be close," Tsuyu said.

"Oh, are offices were close to each other. Helping and being helped, our love bloomed..."

"No, it didn't" We both said again at the same time.

"Nice! I love the father-daughter quick comebacks." She said.

"Joke. The fact that you are here means..." Dad said.

"Yes. Ketsubetsu Academy class-2, second years. Everyone! Come on its U.A." And I looked behind to see...him.

"Dad..." My voice broke and he followed my gaze.

"Bakugo, take Y/N inside, quick," Dad said.

"Huh? Why?" He asked, and looked at me but I was just staring ahead looking dead. He was about to take me away before, 'He' said.

"Oh! The real thing!" He said and grabbed Zuku's hand which brought me out of my trance.

"I'm Shindo! It's been a troubling year for U.A., must have been tough right?" He asked and I walked up to him and smacked his hand away from Zuku's.

"Y/N!" The whole class except Katsuki yelled.

"Yeah... it was tough but you wouldn't have been able to handle it," I said glaring at him.

"Hey~ It's been a while," He said taking my hand but I just smacked it away.

"Sure has. So how have you been? Cheat on any other girls lately, or was it just me?" I asked as the whole class gasped.

"WHAT?!" Katsuki yelled.

"Y/N dear, what are you saying?" Aunt Joke asked.

"Yo Shindo, Y/N's ex-boyfriend who cheated on her in her middle school, the reason Y/N was homeschooled for two years and went to a therapist," Dad said as the whole class gasped and Katsuki came up and hugged me behind.

"Keep your dirty cheating hands, off my girl," He said glaring at Shindo.

"Katsuki Bakugo! The main key person for the Kamino event. You have a type Y/N, bad boys with anger issues." He said

"Oh please, Katsuki is not a bad boy with anger issues. He is the best person ever and I am glad to have him as my soulmate, so why don't you go and fuck off. Oh, and how is Heather. Is she doing fine or you fucked that poor innocent sweet girl also and then tossed her aside," I asked and his eyes widened, but he had no comeback this time. I just smirked walking away as we headed inside.

"I had no idea I'll run into him. God! I am gonna enjoy killing him today," I said smirking evilly.

"N/n, I know you are angry but don't kill him. Get the provisional license and defeat him just to show him that he did a big mistake by cheating on a wonderful person like you," Zuku said as my classmates nodded. I smiled at them and nodded.

We all changed into our costumes and went to the assigned room, only to be crowded in a confined space.

"Wow...there's a lot of people here," Zuku said.

"Really so many people..." Ochako said holding Zuku's hand.

We were explained, what we had to do for our first round and frankly, I was scared, but I knew we all will pass. Boy, was I wrong...

All right, that's for today! I am not gonna write the whole provisional thing and just skip to the end, cause I am very lazy and I am sorry about it. Hope you guys will like the chapters ahead. Well until next time folks!✌✌✌

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