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Third person's pov:

Meet the Bakugo family. As you all know, Katsuki Bakugo aka Dynamight, Y/N Bakugo aka Artemis, their kids Mitsuo and Mizuki Bakugo the twins, and their third kid, Katsumi Bakugo.

Mitsuo and Mizuki are 15 years old and are both going to attend U.A High and Katsumi, 11 years old, is going to middle school. Both the twins have their mother's quirk but not all the elements. Mizuki has the water wolf and Mitsuo is the fire wolf. Katsumi got her Dad's quirk, indirectly becoming his favorite. Both the girls have their Dad's personalities while Mitsuo is a bit shy but strong enough to take a stand.

"Mitsuo! Mizuki! It's your first day in U.A." Y/n yelled as she set up the table with breakfast as Katsuki and Katsumi came down, Katsuki giving Y/n a kiss and Katsumi her mom.

"Hey girl, ready for high school?"

"You betcha, Mom! I have gonna show those shitheads, who they are dealing with!"

"LANGUAGE! But yeah that's our girl!" Katsuki said ruffling her hair. the twins came down running hugging their parents and sitting at the table.

"Dad, you know who will be our homeroom teacher? Please tell me it's not Grandpa Aizawa," Mitsuki asked.

"No honey," Y/N laughed," That old guy retired finally last year when Uncle Zuku took over."

"Wait hold on!" Mitsuo said," Uncle Zuku will be our teacher!"

"Yeah, that nerd will be your teacher. Be grateful, that guy knows a lot of stuff so learn from him as much as possible," Katsuki said as Y/N smiled at him thinking that Katsuki even though still calls Zuku a nerd, but respects his knowledge and experience.

"Wait, Mom? Dad?" Katsumi asked

"Yeah?" They both said

"Does that mean you both are the top heroes?"

"Well yeah honey, we have been since last night," Katsuki said

"Yeah they are gonna announce Zuku's teacher job and our taking over his place today."

"Woah! Cool!" The kids said

"Now come on, you guys will be late if you don't leave now. Off you go!" Y/N said as they all grabbed their bags, kissed their parents on the cheek, and left for school.

"Well, your dream finally comes true, Katsuki," Y/n said

"Not mine, ours. No. 1 hero baby!" Katsuki said picking her up and spinning around.

"Now come on, we have a lot of work at the agency, plus the press conference."

They both stepped out of their house as they were treated by their friends, fellow hero colleagues.

"It's a wonderful day to save lives and be heroes!" Y/n yelled as they all ran towards their respective agencies.

"I love you," Katsuki said as Scar took over.

"We love you too," Y/n and Scar said.

"Forever and always"

And that's a wrap on this book. Hope you guys liked it! Thank you for all the love and support you have shown to this book. I love you guys so much. Please check out my other two books which I would start updating now. And recommend some good Katsuki x Reader stories or some good BTS fanfics to read! See you guys there! Peace Out! ✌✌✌ 

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