~Symbol Of Peace~

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Y/N's pov:

Best Jeanist was dead, and this guy was the head of the league of villains. We all were hiding behind the broken wall, just praying that he won't catch us. Suddenly there was a splashing sound followed by a voice that belonged to...Katsuki.

"Damn it! What the hell?" He said coughing.

"Sorry, Bakugo," The leader said. Suddenly the whole LoV was there groaning about the liquid that brought them here.

"Master," Shigaraki said. 

"You have failed me again, Tomura," He said, "But don't be discouraged. Just try again. I have brought your associates back along with this boy. Because you judged him to be an important pawn. Keep trying as long as you need to."

'Remember what we are here for. Back then we couldn't move at all so we couldn't save him. So what is stopping us now, Y/N? Zuku is also thinking the same thing.' Scar said as I looked at Zuku and nodded.

'If we don't move now nothing will-' My thoughts were interrupted by Iida stopping us both and giving us a glare.

"You are here after all," The master said making us gasp but suddenly we heard a loud noise followed by...

"I'll have you return everything...All for One," Uncle Might shouted.

"Will you kill me again, All Might?" AFO asked. So he is the reason for Uncle Might's bad health.

Everyone started fighting and we stood there thinking what we can do, without fighting. As we were thinking, Katsuki was fighting the LoV and All Might was fighting AFO.

"Iida, guys!" Midoriya suddenly said, his eyes having the look that he has a plan.

"No you can't Midoriya," Iida said. "At least listen to him prez," I said.

"There is a way, where we can rescue Kacchan without fighting," He said.

"Tell us," Sho said

"But this plan also depends on Kacchan, so listen carefully," Zuku said, "The plan wouldn't work much if I do it even though we are good friends now, so Y/N this all depends on you."

"Give us the details Midoriya," Sho said. 

"So here's the plan. Since Scar is still recovering we need to do this a bit differently. Iida and I will hold Kiri in front while Y/N you are on our backs. with the hardening quirk, Kiri will break us through with a boost of Iida's Recipro burst and my quirk. Then Todoroki will make an ice ramp as tall in the air as you can. Once we are high in the air, Y/N it's your turn. It won't be 100% success if I do it, or anyone else. But you are the person Kacchan will listen to. You are his best friend his lover, and his soulmate. Is his better half call out to him he will come!" Zuku explained, "So this is my plan." 

We all looked at Iida who was thinking hard, but he agreed. As soon as we broke the wall, Sho made us a huge ice ramp. The villains haven't noticed us yet. As soon as we were high in the air, it was all up to me. I jumped and turned around holding out my hand and yelled, "COME ON!" Katsuki looked at me and smiled before blasting himself up and catching my hand.'

"YOU IDIOTS!" He yelled. 

"Shut up, Katsu!" I laughed while crying tears of joy.

"Bakugo, on my mark create a blast!" Iida said.

"Watch my mark!" KAtsuki yelled.

"This isn't a time to fight," Kiri said. I looked back and saw that Todo and Momo had escaped without being caught. 

We stopped in front of the train station. As soon as we caught our breaths, Kiri, Zuku, and I hugged Katsu.

"So glad to have you back!" We all said together.

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