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The next day, we all had breakfast together, and now we were sitting in the class waiting for Dad. He entered the class and put his hands on the table leaning forward(that sounds like...nvm)

"As I told you yesterday, Class 1-a will focus on getting the provisional hero licenses."

"Yes sir!"

"A hero license implies a great deal of responsibility regarding human life. Naturally, the test to obtain one is very hard. Even if it's provisional, the passing rate every year is only 50%."

"Even the provisional is that hard?" Mineta said.

"That's why from today, we will have each of you come up with at least two..." The door suddenly opened to reveal Aunt Midnight, Uncle Cementos, and Uncle Ectoplasm," ULTIMATE MOVES!"

"ULTIMATE MOVES?" Kirishima yelled.

"It sounds like school work, and yet...Finally something superhero-ish!" The whole Bakusquad except Katsuki yelled.

"We will tell u more once we shift to the place of training. Change into your costume and meet me at Gamma Gym." Dad said.

~Time skip~

(just a reminder of your costume, in case you forgot

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(just a reminder of your costume, in case you forgot. Anyways...let's continue!)

We all changed and went to the gym and saw that it was completely empty.

"Gamma Gym also knows as the 'Training Dining Land' or TDL," Dad said. Uncle Cementos used his quirk and created many high-range terrains.

"I came up with this idea, to allow build different terrains and things required for training, thus implying the dining part of TDL." He said.

"Please let me ask a question," Iida said raising his hand.

"of course he has a doubt," I whispered to Zuku who just laughed.

"Why do we need ultimate moves to take the provisional test?" He asked.

"It's the job of a hero to save people from danger such as crimes, accidents, and disasters, whether they are natural or caused by man. Naturally, the exam will test how well you are able to do that. Your skills in gathering information, decision-making, how fast you move or how well you fight, as well as your communication skills, charisma, and your quality as your leader." Dad said.

"Among those your fight skills are especially important to your future as heroes. If you are prepared no need to worry. Whether or not you have an ultimate move will greatly affect your test results." Aunt Midnight said.

"An ultimate move doesn't have to be an attack. For example, Iida's reciproburst. That temporary burst of speed is a threat worthy of an ultimate move." Ectoplasm said.

"We had to cancel camp, otherwise you would have been able to grow more during that time. So now, until the next semester begins, you will work hard and come up with those ultra moves, and change your costume designs if needed. You say the 'Plus Ultra' shit right? Well, show us Plus Ultra!" Dad said smirking as Ectoplasm created many clones for everyone. 

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