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Once we reached the park, Zuku and I sat on the bench while Katsu sat down on the ground. 

"Okay, I'll go first," Zuku said, clearing his throat," My quirk is basically like super strength, well not exactly, but before internship, I used to put 100% of my power on my hands, which was wrong as my bones and body are not ready for the full power. So while I was interning with Gran Torino I learned to spread my power throughout my body and see what is the lint that my body can take right now," Zuku said standing up and activating his quirk, green lightning revolving his body.

"Right now my limit is only 5%, but as I will train I can increase my limit," Zuku said turning his quirk off and sitting beside me," And as you know Kacchan, I always look up to you and chase you, so your way of flying with explosions and the way Gran Torino moves helped me come up with the moves I used today in the race." He said smiling at us.

"Damn, Zuku that's a huge change, but you said you can only use 5% right?" I asked. He nodded.

"But the power that I saw during the stain incident was so awesome!! That was only 5%?" I asked shaking his shoulders excitedly. They both just laughed.

"Even though you are moving forward, but I am proud of you nerd," Katsu said ruffling Zuku's hair. Zuku just started crying his eyes out so much so we had to move away to avoid getting wet from his tears.

 Zuku just started crying his eyes out so much so we had to move away to avoid getting wet from his tears

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"All right now my turn," I said after Zuku calmed down. I told him everything that happened in the internship and when I told him about Scar and us being the legendary white wolf, he just sat there shocked trying to sink in the info.

"So...you are the Legendary White Wolf?" Katsuki asked his eyes not blinking even once.

"Well, me and Scar, but yeah...and I changed my hero name to Artemis, a tribute to the goddess who gave us this power. So, you wanna meet Scar?" I asked smiling at Katsuki. He nodded

'Ready Scar?' 

'You know, I am!!' She said in a slurry voice 

'Control your hormones you horny dog or I am not letting you meet him'

 'Sorry, I will behave' She whined

'Alright, you can take over' I said as Scar took over and my eyes changed a scarlet color.

"Hey there, Mate!" Scar said enthusiastically, making Katsuki's eyes go wide.

"Hey Scar!!" Zuku said ruffling my hair, earning a giggle from Scar.

"Mate?" Katsuki asked blushing, to which Scar nodded.

"Every wolf has a mate, who are usually other wolves, but our mate is you. Lady Artemis chose you, you are our fated partner." Scar said making Katsuki blush furiously.

"How do you know that I am your mate?" Katsuki asked now sitting between me and Zuku.

"Because of our scents, Zuku what is Y/N's scent?" Scar asked Zuku, who blinked in confusion.

"I don't know, she always smells like the cologne she wears," Zuku said.

"What are talking about Deku? Y/N smells like lime grass and rain, she doesn't wear any cologne," Katsuki said looking at a confused Zuku.

"As a matter of fact, mate, Y/N does wear cologne but only you can not smell it cause you can only smell her actual scent like she can smell yours which is caramel and burnt ash." Scar explained, making the two boys shocked.

'Alright Scar, that's enough for today.' I said taking over my eyes coming back to e/c color.

"So, that's Scar, sorry for not telling you before. Just wanted to surprise-" I was cut-off by Katsuki as he pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you for telling me now, and you are awesome, both of you." He said pulling away and ruffling Zuku's hair, who giggled.

"Alright, let's go home!!" I said pulling the two boys along. We talked the whole way, sharing our internship experience with Scar occasionally scolding Zuku for being so reckless and clumsy.

"God, Scar! You sound like my mom!" Zuku said.

"Well, she's not wrong!" Scar said smacking his head, causing Katsuki to laugh.

"Mean Scar~~Bad Wolf!" Zuku whined as I took over and just ruffled his hair, apologizing on Scar's behalf.


The next morning, we were all chilling in the classroom waiting for Dad to show up.  He walked to his desk and started speaking.

"Summer Vacation is around the corner but, of course, there's no way you guys can take a month's break." He said putting everyone in a terrified state.

"Could it be..." Denki said, looking at Kiri with a worried look on his face.

"We're having a training camp in the forest during summer vacation," Dad said

"WE KNEW IT!YAY!" The whole class shouted enthusiastically.

"Let's test our courage" "Bath" "Fireworks" "Open-air bath" "Curry" "Hot Bath," Everyone said with Mineta just ranting about the bath.

"If we're out in nature, we'd have to change the way we use our powers," Momo said.

"Eating and sleeping together, it's gonna be so much fun!" Hagakure exclaimed.

"BUT," Dad said using his quirk," Those who don't receive a passing grade on the final exams, will be taking extra classes from hell."

"Everyone. let's work hard!" Kiri exclaimed.

"How lame," Katsuki said earning a laugh from Zuku and me.

"Work hard, girls," Mineta said earning a slap from Tsuyu. The bell rang.

"Alright class is over. Only one week is left for your final exams, and you will be having both practical as well as written, so....study and work up your body and brain. All the best." Dad said leaving the classroom. I had nothing to worry about as I was 3rd in the class but still joined Katsu and Kiri in their study sessions only to prevent Katsu from breaking Kiri's head. Others who were having difficulty went to Momo's house for study session. Can't wait to see what happens next.

All right, and that's a wrap to the second arc. Training Camp Arc, here we go!! Hope you guys are liking the story so far. Thank you for all the votes and Holy Shit 5K views for this crappy story!!! Love you Guys!! Peace out✌✌✌

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